Going postal again: CDOT replaces some of the bollards on Kinzie

Now you see 'em, now you don't, now you see 'em again!

After removing most of the bollards along the Kinzie Street protected lanes after complaints about their appearance from nearby residents, last week CDOT replaced some of the posts because of complaints about cars parking in the bike lane:


Keep moving forward,
John Greenfield

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Place bollards in the entry ways and exits of the protected bike lanes, so that only bikes are skinny enough to pass through.  Then attach plastic chain (or rope) between each side bollard, so cars can't cross the line from the parking lane into the bike lane, without breaking the chain.  It would be impossible for a motorist to not know they shouldn't cross into the bike lane, that way.  Easy peasy.

It needn't be this robust, but concrete chained bollards with a raised curb sure would be nice!

John Greenfield said:

It seems to me that, even after some of the posts were replaced, it's still too easy for cars to drive between the posts to pull up to the curb or park in the bike lane. Before any of the posts were removed, they were generally too close together for cars to easily drive through them to park, so it was mostly just USPS and UPS trucks who were intentionally driving the length of the bike lane to get to access deliveries. Grid Chicago is looking to this issue and should have another report in the near future.

I see people walking in the bike lane (south side of Kinzie, going east), because they think its a sidewalk for some reason. There is a sidewalk for you on the other side of the street! Go use it! What is wrong with you!? So many people complain about bikes and then they go and walk in the bike lanes. *tardface*

Nothing bollards can do about that :(


I agree, we can't get too angry with peds for walking in our bike lane if there should be a sidewalk here but isn't. Perhaps in the future this lane can be redesigned to include a sidewalk.

Also, let's avoid using terms that equate having a mental disability with acting stupid.

John Greenfield

Well, my opinion is that if there is no sidewalk, don't walk there. Especially when there is no reason to be walking there. Nothing there but a concrete wall...Maybe I am the oddball for expecting people to...not walk...there....

Sorry about tardface, I'll retract that comment and replace with *moronface*...or...I don't know how else to describe this behavior. invent your own image of a stupid person in your mind that is non-offensive. :)

John Greenfield said:


I agree, we can't get too angry with peds for walking in our bike lane if there should be a sidewalk here but isn't. Perhaps in the future this lane can be redesigned to include a sidewalk.

Also, let's avoid using terms that equate having a mental disability with acting stupid.

John Greenfield

maybe they don't know?

bryan said:

I see people walking in the bike lane (south side of Kinzie, going east), because they think its a sidewalk for some reason. There is a sidewalk for you on the other side of the street! Go use it! What is wrong with you!? So many people complain about bikes and then they go and walk in the bike lanes. *tardface*

Nothing bollards can do about that :(

they don't know they are walking in the bike lane?

Retard:  : to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or accomplishment : impede

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