Going mountain biking for the first time. Any suggestions?

Taking a trip to Michigan the first weekend in August. We are going mountain biking on the Boyne Mountain Trails, and I have never been. I'm both terrified and excited at the same time. Any suggestions?

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Stay loose!

I don't know.  Try not to fall? :-)

Have a blast...

Don't even think about breathing on your front brakes on steep/fast downhills.  Keep your butt low and back.

Shift into a low gear before hitting a steep uphill.  Try to keep your butt in the saddle to avoid unloading/spinning the rear tire.  Lean forward toward handlebars.

Have fun!

...and keep your pedals level when coasting. 

try some of the local trails around here to practice

this is exactly what I would suggest. If you feel yourself going to fast for your comfort level (going downhill or on sharp turns, etc.) don't be afraid to slow way down and put your foot down. there is

no shame in stopping. and if you happen to fall (knocking on wood here) remember to roll. I never remember btw. enjoy !!! I am guessing you will be hooked immediately. I have done it and it is a

totally different kind of rush than flying on the roads. think roller coaster where YOU are the driver !

BruceBikes said:

Don't even think about breathing on your front brakes on steep/fast downhills.  Keep your butt low and back.

Shift into a low gear before hitting a steep uphill.  Try to keep your butt in the saddle to avoid unloading/spinning the rear tire.  Lean forward toward handlebars.

Have fun!

Have fun and bring bug dope. Mosquitos can ruin a ride.

It will be a lot easier than this, so enjoy.

Holy wipeout, Batman!

Gene Tenner said:

It will be a lot easier than this, so enjoy.

When I took my family mountain biking it was their first time. Biggest complaint was getting used to the disc brakes. They tended to squeeze too hard on their front and kept flying over the bars. Not sure your setup or experience but either way you're going to have a great time!

I upset my dog with my verbal outbursts while watching that.  

Gene Tenner said:

It will be a lot easier than this, so enjoy.

The Himalayas should be cool


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