The project which will add a contra-flow bikelane on Glenwood from Ridge to Foster was announced today by alderman Harry Osterman

A public meeting was announced for Wednesday June 10th, 6:30pm at Edgwater Baptist Church, 1402 W Hollywood

I am personally excited because this will create the first safe and legal southbound route between Winthrop and the UP-N tracks.

Hope to see you all there!

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Here's some exciting news. The contra-flow bike is a go. Preliminary work has started and it should be completed this fall, weather permitting. Kudos to the alderman for addressing the neighbor's concern while moving forward.

I was going to add some pictures, but I've given up on Ning :(

First Argyle, and now the improvements on Ridge and Glenwood...Harry is doing a good job for the 48th, IMO.

This is great news.  Thanks for the update.  I was disappointed to hear about the meetings with very little notice and I couldn't make either of them.

Just last week the "DO NOT ENTER" sign has a footnote saying "EXCEPT BIKES." Thing far down Glenwood is that the case?? Do you (legally) have to turn down Edgewater immediately??

Dauber, I believe the plan is to have a contraflow bike lane all the way to Foster, where Glenwood becomes a two-way street.


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