While listening to to the Waddle and Silvy Show from 9 to 1 pm on 06/07/11 on ESPN radio I got to hear how fun it would be if they intentionally doored cyclists and how sometimes that would just feel great. This went on for about 20 minutes.


Well I didn't think that would be great. And as some may know I'm vocal. ;-) So I tried  tweeting with Silvy @WaddleandSilvy for those that tweet and he said that the best course of action would be to send an e-mail to: waddleandsilvy@espnchicago.com


The Apology we got on 06/08/11 was a joke. Happened 45 minutes into the show and was terrible.


At the bottom of Espn.com there is also a Contact Us that goes to corporate vs the address above that is only read by the show hosts. We need to get on this!


If you wanna hear the comments they have a podcast http://espn.go.com/espnradio/player?rd=1#/podcenter/?callsign=WMVPA... . and it happens about 2 hours 14 minutes into the show if memory serves. Started out with making fun of spandex shorts and then went on to murder.


In light of the fact that ESPN already had Tony Kornheiser voice his opinions on cyclists I doubt they are looking for more trouble so it would be a good time to get the message out. Watch out for us! Dooring Can KILL us! etc...


And Here is a list of sponsors of Waddle and Silvy: They should hear about our  displeasure as well!


Performance Bikes!!! Harris Bank, Golfsmith, Jimmy Johns (they do bike deliveries, hello!), John Chico's Men's Wear, Triton College, Wells Fargo, PNC Bank, Ameristar, Home Depot, Johnsonville, Gerber Collision & Glass, Studio 41 Remodelling, 

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People disgust me, and people in the media that condone and make light of things like intentionally dooring make me sick. I'm on board with the email campaign, as cyclists do not need anybody taking these "jokes" seriously and then going on a dooring spree for kicks. Sadly, that is what comes to mind. What kind of jerks are these guys, anyway?
I usually break sports guys into 2 categories. Stats guys and Meatheads. Stats guys aren't gonna door anyone and likely ride a bike. Meatheads are gonna hear Tom Waddle a former Chicago Bear Player and with quite a few admirers for his toughness on the field and then go ahead and door someone. Then it's not funny anymore.

There are only one kind of sports guys.  The kind I change the channel for.  The fact there is a whole network just for sports is a good thing.  I'd love it if the 4 minutes/hr they wasted on sports on WBEZ migrated to ESPN for good.


When that stupid jock blowhard gets on and blah-blah-blahs for 10 minutes every Wednesday morning on BEZ I just hit the snooze button. 

Well i drive a truck all day and i split my time between ESPN radio in the morning and NPR in the afternoon so i need the radio. And I'm glad I was listening so we could find out what was being said. And maybe we can change it.

To whom it may concern,


This open letter is a response to this forum post about your radio show:




As a cyclist, I deal with ignorance daily: drivers not paying attention, failing to look both ways before pulling onto the road, not checking their mirrors before opening their doors in my path, pedestrians not bothering to check bike lanes before stepping into them, people talking on their phones, texting, and all the rest. I've been doored and hit. Both times, I got lucky. I came away with bruises and scrapes. Others have died.


Lots of people get into their cars every day, and their impatience is fueled almost immediately. They swerve and honk at the slightest inconvenience, they hit their gas pedals as hard as they can and put other people's lives in danger because they think they own the road. They think cyclists don't belong there. Well, we do. In fact, the law says so. Are we perfect? No. Do some cyclists break laws and ride like jerks? Yep. But at the end of the day, you must compare the actions of the motorist in the 1+ ton vehicle going 25+ mph against the cyclist on his 20-30lb frame.


It's not funny to take the issue of dooring lightly. People who don't understand cycling listen to that sort of talk and their ignorance toward us grows. We fight hard to be seen, to be taken seriously and to be safe.


Cycling is a sport, and I am appalled that a network for sports fans would not only fail to condemn such irresponsible talk, but that their employees would engage in it in the first place.


Cycling in Chicago,


Joe Sak


That's the spirit Joe! :-)
Hey wouldn't it be fun if we hit some sportscasters with bats. ha, ha, ha!
hahahaha that's sorta the spirit mike :-)

Any body have photo shop skillz?

Do Marks face on the Geico lizard GianGecko ha, ha. douche.

I'd say keep hitting them on twitter as well.  E-mail is too easy to ignore.  I might have to finally create a twitter account.
This is a good idea. Hopefully after people write e-mails tonight we get some gratification tomorrow. I need to bang out mine when i get home this evening. I will be tuning in at 9 as usual to hear what is said but sadly i'm in and outta the truck so it's possible i'll miss it. if anyone gets to sit near a radio at 9 am and won't die from listening to sports radio tune in to am 1000.
Well said!

Joe Sak said:

To whom it may concern,


This open letter is a response to this forum post about your radio show:




As a cyclist, I deal with ignorance daily: drivers not paying attention, failing to look both ways before pulling onto the road, not checking their mirrors before opening their doors in my path, pedestrians not bothering to check bike lanes before stepping into them, people talking on their phones, texting, and all the rest. I've been doored and hit. Both times, I got lucky. I came away with bruises and scrapes. Others have died.


Lots of people get into their cars every day, and their impatience is fueled almost immediately. They swerve and honk at the slightest inconvenience, they hit their gas pedals as hard as they can and put other people's lives in danger because they think they own the road. They think cyclists don't belong there. Well, we do. In fact, the law says so. Are we perfect? No. Do some cyclists break laws and ride like jerks? Yep. But at the end of the day, you must compare the actions of the motorist in the 1+ ton vehicle going 25+ mph against the cyclist on his 20-30lb frame.


It's not funny to take the issue of dooring lightly. People who don't understand cycling listen to that sort of talk and their ignorance toward us grows. We fight hard to be seen, to be taken seriously and to be safe.


Cycling is a sport, and I am appalled that a network for sports fans would not only fail to condemn such irresponsible talk, but that their employees would engage in it in the first place.


Cycling in Chicago,


Joe Sak



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