Great, now I can go to Target without getting runned over. How far have they gone? up by me around Foster and Broadway nothing yet. Thanks for the good news, soon to get even better.
Doesn't seem like the people who've parked their cars in that picture are quite clear on the concept yet.
A slew of ticketing will fix this pretty quickly. Same thing happened on Elston when they put the protected lanes in. I think the tickets are $150 a pop, right? That'll create awareness!
Seems like that's been an issue in each neighborhood where this kind of reconfiguration has been introduced. Driver education (and warnings before tickets) is definitely needed.
Eli said:
Doesn't seem like the people who've parked their cars in that picture are quite clear on the concept yet.
How many people questioned what the giant P meant?
And without the stand up dividers they probably had a bit of a problem too.
It was my understanding that this was the first day of striping and that it is not done yet. Stencilled in but not painted were the words Parking in multiple places. I would give it a few days before they get it finished.
From today's DNAinfo:
Uptown Bike Lanes Finally Being Installed After Weather Delays
By Adeshina Emmanuel on June 9, 2014 2:51pm
Bike lanes are being installed in Uptown. Bike lanes are being installed in Uptown. James Cappleman
UPTOWN — Protected and buffered bike lanes finally are being installed in Uptown after cold and wet weather delayed the project for about six months.
City crews were in Uptown Monday putting down striping for the lanes. Ald. James Cappleman (48th) caught a glimpse of the work Monday at Broadway and Wilson Avenue and tweeted a picture, exclaiming: "They're heeeeere!"
Broadway between Foster and Wilson avenues will get new lanes, similar to conventional lanes, but with more space, "to keep cyclists separated from motorists in travel lanes and also to keep cyclists farther from parked vehicles and opening doors," according to CDOT.
Lanes from Wilson to Montrose avenues would be barrier-protected, a method using "physical barriers, such as parked cars and bollards, to separate bicyclists from motorists," according to CDOT.
The 1.05-mile span of Broadway between Foster and Montrose avenues also is slated to undergo a "road diet" that reduces the four-lane street to a two-lane street with a center turn lane.
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