So last Saturday on my way to visit family in Albany park. I got shot at on Kimball and Berteau. Some young men in a 4 door black Volkswagen shot at me with I think were airsoft pellets from a multi round rapid fire gun. It was painful and left me sore for the rest of the week. I am thankful that they were not paint balls or lead shots. Sad thing that same weekend a person in New Orleans was shot with a real bullet. I hope no one else got hurt and I just wanted to make everyone aware of the kind of jerks roaming around that area.

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Sorry to see this happen to you, Juan. Stay safe out there.

Just wanted to get the word out as more people take to the streets on their bicycles. Thanks.

Hate to hear about this sort of thing! Lucky it only seemed to be an airsoft pellet, although they could have blinded you! This sort of thing is NOT funny, and any idiot who brandishes any kind of a firearm -even a pellet, "toy," or BB gun- runs the risk of getting himself shot with a "real" firearm.

Yes, even those "soft pellets" can seriously injure the eyes.

F*ckin meatheads. Hope the soreness has subsided.

Soreness gone, but the fear of getting shot at again lingers. I'll take different routes this time.


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