I didn't even know this was being planned, but got a link from ATA:


Please join the Chicago Department of Transportation, Chicago Park District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for a meeting to present the Chicago Shoreline Storm Damage Reduction Project near Fullerton Avenue and around the Theater on the Lake.

The project will replace the existing failed revetment with a steel and concrete revetment designed to manage wave attack.  The upland areas will direct any overtopping wave flows safely back to Lake Michigan.

The project includes:

  • 1,700 feet of new revetment, tying into the existing revetment to the north and terminating at the southern end of the northern-most beach cell that is failed.
  • Converting the existing failed beach cell to new parkland, adding approximately 5.8 acres of park space in an area that is regularly congested with park goers.
  • Reusing existing limestone blocks when possible to enhance the architectural park features.

The two-year, $16 million project is expected to start construction in early 2014.

During the construction, the Lakefront trail will be temporarily rerouted on the west side of the Lincoln Park Lagoon.  The Theater on the Lake will remain accessible, but may have limitations on the theater staging area.

The public informational meeting we be:

Thursday, August 22nd

7:00pm - 8:30pm

The Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum

North Gallery, 2nd Floor

2430 N. Cannon Dr.

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This is a two-year project.  I wonder how long (and where) the LFT will be re-routed during that time.

The announcement says it will be to the west of the Lincoln Park Lagoon.  I think I might attend that meeting to find out exactly what they are talking about.

If you do, please report back what you see/hear...

Lisa Curcio 6.5 mi said:

The announcement says it will be to the west of the Lincoln Park Lagoon.  I think I might attend that meeting to find out exactly what they are talking about.

I will, if I make it.  I always have good intentions but once I get home I never seem to want to leave.

That stretch is overdue for some TLC

Sigh...  like the Canalization of the Rhine....  a modern "barrier" separating the citizens from the Lake.    When they did this down south near Hyde Park they basically turned the lake from something useful for recreation into a scenic postcard.   Yup... no money for the schools... lots of money to make pretty pictures and divert attention from the gross mismanagement of the City...

Where will all the skatepunks film one another falling off their boards if that collapsed area is fixed?  1700 feet sounds like it'll go from the current area that's fenced off all the way past the first groin to blend in to the beach, filling in that narrow stretch where waves can cover the trail.  I'll actually miss that little stretch, even though it's dangerous with waves in the winter and clueless path users in the summer.

I don't know how they intend to reuse the limestone blocks if they go all concrete, though.

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

This is an Army Corps of Engineers project 

Oh, you mean the people who designed the New Orleans levees? Can't imagine how they'd mess this project up…

Adam "sad trombone" Herstein is in the house!

So far the reconstruction of the lake front has been going well and looks amazing.

From what little I gathered from the press release, it is going to be an improvement:

- No more narrow path way next to the water

- The path will be moved away from LSD at Fullerton, potentially decreasing conflicts

- 4 acres more of park

What's not to like?

Seven is kind of late even though it's on my way home.  I like to leave work by 5:30 so I'd be through there around 5:45 or 6.  I guess I can go walk through the zoo or something...

The nature museum is kind of cool.
Tricolor said:

Seven is kind of late even though it's on my way home.  I like to leave work by 5:30 so I'd be through there around 5:45 or 6.  I guess I can go walk through the zoo or something...


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