This bike is truly a unique bike. The frame construction is steel tubing with cast aluminum lugs. It has an internal expanding seat post as well as original mounts for disc brakes (trust me, I have tried to adapt a new set, but no go). There is an article about this bike out there, but the website is down.
59cm seat tube length, but seemed to have very compact geometry. Mounts open for rack as well. Paint is in good condition, sticker are pealing a bit and ther eis a minor ding in the down tube, but condition is overall great.
Front and rear centerpull brakes with new pads
Bullhorn bars with left hand reverse lever for front and right hand single finger cross style for the rear. Creates dual position braking (on the ramps or the tops), alloy stem
700c wheels with new Kevlar belted 28 tires, re-dished rear wheel for optimum chainline and wheel durability
54 x 20 single speed gearing with new SRAM chain with powerlink. Alloy crank arms with alloy pedals, new single speed freewheel. This gearing is ideal for city use, low enough to get away from stop signs but also get up some speed.
Custom set of handmade laminated hardwood fenders with stainless and aluminum hardware. These are maple with a unique grain pattern that resemble a topographical map.
Let me know if you have any question or would like to take it for a spin. Cash only, No delivery.