Campagne handlebar bag will come with all straps to attach to handlebars if you don't want to use a decaleur. I strongly recommend buying the decaleur with it, as the bracket is already screwed in to the bag. If not, I can remove the bracket.
Decaleur is the stem/spacer mounted type and made for 1" forks.
$60 for the bag
$15 for the decaleur
Bump - added some actual pictures of the bag.
Yes - this is exactly what I had been doing.
Though, I caution those who have a taller head tube. I ride a 58cm, so the head tube will naturally be taller. Because the bag is not as tall, it will not rest flat on the rack and hit the back 'gravestone' part to loop over the bag (See middle brown patch in my last photo.) In this instance, the bag will sway and move.
If someone has a shorter head tube, this isn't an issue. If someone has a taller head tube and still wants to use a stem decaleur and rack combo, the bag has to be taller - as in the new VO grand cru bag, an Ostrich bag, or a medium/large Berthoud bag.
Whew! I hope that makes some sense.
I'm surprised you had that fit problem on your frame, but I suppose you can't really tell anything without photos. My Rawland has quite a tall head tube, and the same setup fits pretty well - mine is at the bottom of the spacer stack, and I did have to give it a little tap with a mallet. The broader point is YMMV, and it's a good one.
Mine was at the bottom as well. I was going to attempt to whack it down further, but Boulevard Bikes (wisely) advised against it.
I've been able to carry everything I need pretty easily in my zimbale saddlebag. If I choose to get a new bag/rack/decaleur in the future, it'll be that swanky VO integrated decaleur option.
Any chance I can try this out, as in hold it up against my bike someday, to see if the bag might work for me? I am interested in the bag, but need to figure out whether the height works, as well as see if this work with my bar-end shifters cable routing.
The decaleur won't since the stem is a1 1/8" threadless.
Absolutely. You're but 5 minutes away on bike, so feel free to drop by whenever.
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