An interesting take. Reading the comments, it sure appears that there's a lot of animosity between cyclists and drivers these days. I think it's because the roads and streets are way, way more congested than they used to be, and there's only so much that can be done about that. It seems that many people who only drive can't stand cyclists, and many people who only cycle can't stand drivers. I would hope that the many people who both drive and cycle have a more balanced perspective. Civility is a virtue.
This article: "Forty percent of [cyclists] charge across a red light intersection, according to one recent study."
But the linked study says (my emphasis): "We conducted a national survey — the results of which were published in Accident Analysis and Prevention earlier this year — in which 2061 cyclists were asked the following question: When you are riding do you stop at red lights? The majority (63 per cent) said yes, while over a third (37 per cent) said they had ridden through a red light at some time when they were riding.
Next someone will quote the Post article saying "nearly half of cyclists routinely threaten the well-being of pedestrians and motorists by willfully disregard traffic signals..." Grrr!
I'd never "blow" a red light, which I read as "completely ignore or ride through without slowing down." I rarely see other cyclists do this either. I'll admit to Idaho stopping if there's no traffic, which is often the case when I ride home at 11pm on a weekday. The article seems to unreasonably conflate these things.
Blowing a red light is extremely dangerous, and I shudder every time I see a cyclist or motorist do it.
I often wonder how much commercials with cars are to blame for driver angst. Most commercials show cars driving with no other vehicles in sight (think about the Lexus commercial where the man is fixing his upstairs neighbor's leaky faucet). I think some people see these commercials and feel like they are missing out on some utopia where they never wait at a stop light or never have to circle looking for parking. Any delays in real life, and frustration builds.
bikeyface's "myth of the open road" is a pretty classic take on that... I think you're right.
Checking out all of the "references" in this article (which were almost all misleadingly quoted, I think) and the reader comments took me to this thoughtful article about driver perceptions. The author concludes that cyclists are feared because we're "new" for a lot of pedestrians and motorists...
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