Planning for a Friday Morning Memorial for Neill Townsend to Raise Awareness about Dooring and Sharing the Road



The date for the memorial has been changed to FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19TH.
We will meet from 8-8:30 am at the northwest corner of Wells and Oak Streets.

Here is the link to the event page.


This is a new discussion based off of one of the threads of conversations in the discussion "Bicyclist killed at Oak & Wells Friday AM". Some folks were on board with the idea of holding a memorial on the morning of Friday, October 19th around the time the accident occurred, which would create the opportunity for it to serve as a chance to raise awareness about dooring and sharing the road at a high traffic time. Several people made good suggestions there. They are copied and pasted in a reply below.

If you have any suggestions or you're willing to help out, please comment here.

Once details have been worked out, I'll post it as an event. 

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Thank you so much Melissa! Here is the event itself - please share with all bicycling and supportive folks you know:

Please forgive me if someone has already said this in the current thread:

Cyclist and pedestrian awareness must be an integral part of driver training and licensing. Nothing short of that is acceptable.

And a state sanctioned 'look for cyclists' sticker on all new vehicle doors/windows would also be appropriate. Heck, why not have it mandatorily etched on all new vehicle windows, rather like the rear view mirror 'objects appear closer [....]' warning?

PS - Regretfully I cannot attend on 10/19. Just moved to Houston.

Here is my flyer if anyone wants it.  I'll try to get some made too.


These look great, Bliss. I can get them into one PDF for easier printing. Can do so tonight.

Bliss BT said:

Here is my flyer if anyone wants it.  I'll try to get some made too.

 was at the Friday evening gathering. Will be there on 19th.

Cameron Puetz said:

Thanks for stepping up to make this happen. I'll be there on the 19th.

Melissa M said:

Ok. Since I seem to have gotten this started, I'm gonna make an executive decision. Given the input above, we're gonna move the date back to Friday the 19th. 

This will allow Neill's family and friends to attend; it will still be an anniversary of his death; it will consolidate efforts around a single date; and it will give us more time to organize, plan and to reach out to the schools on that block.

I'll update the event.

So, to be clear- the Memorial will be held on Friday, October 19th from 8-8:30am on the corner of Wells and Oak Streets.

This design is great.  I think an effective campaign would be to get these printed as decals and put on all of the Pay Boxes across the city.

Bliss BT said:

Here is my flyer if anyone wants it.  I'll try to get some made too.

Yes!  Decals of the Front design would be awesome, I'll chip in if someone can organize the printing.

How does LAZ feel about having the decals on their boxes (i.e. how long will they last)?

Mark said:

This design is great.  I think an effective campaign would be to get these printed as decals and put on all of the Pay Boxes across the city.

Bliss BT said:

Here is my flyer if anyone wants it.  I'll try to get some made too.

Hi Michelle -

I've been tracking this thread but just joined the forum.  I've known Neill and his family since high school and we both moved to Chicago at the same time for law school.   

Thanks to all for moving the date of the Memorial to the 19th, as many of Neill's friends that wanted to take part in the ride will be in KY for the services planned for Thursday and Friday. 

I'm really looking forward to sharing this gesture from the Chainlink community with his family and friends. 

See you all on the 19th. 

Michelle Gregorek said:

Excellent executive decision making!  Everything happens on Gods plan is the message I have been seeing in life for some time now, and it comes to mind watching the plans come together.  I think pushing the date back is an excellent call.  I just might be coming over for this.  (I used to live in the high rise right across from Payton)

This dooring issue has to be taken care of!  And it starts with realization and education. 

Is anyone from Neills Kentucky family on Chainlink yet?

Cameron-Oh yeah good catch!

Here are the updated files and the combined file.

Cameron Puetz said:

Excellent design, the simple directness of the front graphic is very well done. One minor comment the sentence "577 Doorings occurred in 2009 through September 7, 2012." reads awkwardly since "577 Doorings occurred in 2009" would also be a complete sentence. Something like "577 Doorings occurred between 2009 and September 7, 2012." is a little clearer. Also two Rs in occurred.

Bliss BT said:

Here is my flyer if anyone wants it.  I'll try to get some made too.


I like the idea of printing out Bliss's design as decals. I think we should do so and pass out piles to people at critical mass at the end of the month and bomb the city with them, respectfully.

Also, I've attached a flyer to hand out to people in the week or so before the memorial to let them know when and where and why. I plan on printing a bunch up and handing them to bikers I see on the street, colleagues, friends in the neighborhood, etc. The more people who know about it the better.

I'm not the best with graphic design as of yet so if anyone wants to clean up my image a little feel free. This flyer has the WBEZ dooring map on the backside just as the other does.

Let me know what you guys think.

Also, not sure if we talked about this yet but should we contact anyone from the media for coverage? The Trib writers responded well to our letters it seemed. And Aldermen? Two wards come together right near the intersection of Wells and Oak - the 42nd Ward (Brendan Reilly) and the 43rd Ward (Michele Smith). Anyone have any contacts that might be helpful?


Do you think Jon Hilkevitch of the Trib's Getting Around column might be responsive?  I think there's a reasonable chance.  

Good work organizing, everyone.  I will stop by on the 19th to offer my support.

My husband works at Laz - I will speak to him about the stickers being placed on payboxes and get back you.  He has limited access to email while at work but I can try and have an answer for you by tomorrow.

Scott H said:

How does LAZ feel about having the decals on their boxes (i.e. how long will they last)?

Mark said:

This design is great.  I think an effective campaign would be to get these printed as decals and put on all of the Pay Boxes across the city.


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