Friday frivolity - do you sing aloud while riding your bike?

So, partially sparked by a Lou Reed reference and noting myself singing out loud in the past, I ask if the fellow chain linkers sing to themselves while riding and if so, any particular song(s)? For whatever reason, my brain goes to three songs: nirvana, all apologies; Beck, everyone is out to get ya; and pixies, Tonys theme. I'm sure we've all passed a motorist going full out with radio blaring, how bout you? Quietly humming or full out singing.

tl/dr - do you singing aloud while riding your bike? Any songs in particular?

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Yes! I've been singing and whistling for years now. It's not ever a certain song, or melody, but it does happen a few times a week.

Few times a week sounds about right :)

If hear someone whistling "the bare necessities" from the jungle book that would be me.

I'm singing whatever is playin on my ipod. Has added benefit of maybe alerting traffic ahead to not open doors.

I sing and whistle all the time. The songs change and half the time are made up gibberish about how fun riding bikes is, but Girl From Ipanema is one constant favorite. 

I ride in silence.

You bet! Whatever is in my head, although I am kind of partial to Joni Mitchell. Back when Lou Reed passed, I added Busload of Faith and Halloween Parade to the line-up.

I was whistling the star spangled banner on yesterday's ride home. 

No, but I talk to myself!  Sometimes I answer myself, too.

Especially in the rain, for whatever reason.  Unfortunately it's been mostly Thomas the train songs since the kids were born.  Yikes.


Louie Louie said:

If hear someone whistling "the bare necessities" from the jungle book that would be me.

Sing (poorly), hum, and whistle - mostly rock & metal. And "Bicycle Race" by Queen. Cliche, but it puts me in a mellow, good place!


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