im moving at the end of the month and have waaayyy too many parts bikes. mostly crap like huffys and magnas and nexts but good metal and parts so who cares. i also have parts bins full of handlebars, derailers, brakes exct so if anyone needs anything let me know'

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Meh, working bikes will take whatever parts you have. They'll ship stuff overseas, and anything that's truly worthless will be scrapped.

H3N3 said:
Working Bikes generally needs complete bikes and does not encourage donations of parts.
Does Rat Patrol even build bikes anymore?
I probably could use 'em for ghost bikes-- especially need junk wheels, all the better if tires are on them.

willow naeco said:
Roofis, please consider donating whatever's left to Working Bikes or the Rat Patrol.
Got any mustache bars?

i need some regular mountain bike handlebars for a 90's schwinn.... thanks


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