For Sale: B&W International Foldon Box & Raleigh Twenty

If you have a Brompton and you want to travel, the B&W International Foldon Box is perfect. It collapses small, unfolds big. I’ve got one for each Brompton I have. They work great. The company I ordered from sent an additional and didn’t want it back. So it’s new. We have taken four flights with our Bromptons in these and haven’t had any issues.

These vary from $250-$400…but if you’ve got $175 cash, it’s yours.

I also have a 1969 or 1970 Raleigh Twenty that I was going to restore but never got around to it. It’s in pretty good shape, needs a seat,  I rebuilt the internal shifting hub and it works perfect now, there’s not much left to be done on it. I would take $100 for it.

i’m moving in a few days and can’t take either these things with me and really don’t want them to go to the alley, the money would definitely help with the new kid.

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