I'm taking the Metra tomorrow afternoon, during rush hour, are folding bikes allowed? From below it says "small folding bicycles in protective covers are permitted on all trains". I'd like to think that means folders are allowed during rush hour. Has anyone done that? Tried calling just now but no reps after 5pm.
The second part is that they need to be in protective covers. I don't have one and thinking of using a heavy contractor trash bag instead. Any chance of that flying?
Metra Bicycle Policy
Bicycles are permitted on weekday trains arriving in Chicago before 6:31AM and after 9:30AM and leaving Chicago before 3:00PM and after 7:00PM and on all weekend trains. Metra reserves the right to ban bikes on trains during special events.
Small folding bicycles in protective covers are permitted on all trains. Standard bicycles will be accommodated on a first come first serve basis on weekday off-peak hours and on weekends. There is no guarantee that there will be space available on an initial or return trip (this includes late night trains). Train crews have the final authority on accommodating bicycles. Crews may prohibit a cyclist from boarding or require a cyclist to detrain due to overcrowding or if priority seating is needed for customers with disabilities. If cyclists are required to detrain prior to their destination, cyclists who purchased a cash fare from the conductor will be given a cash refund. Cyclists riding on a One Way or 10-Ride ticket will have their ticket returned to them with the following notation “Good for One Additional Ride”.
I take Folding Thunder on the Metra five days a week, both rush hours. I use a thin nylon cover that I sewed up to cover her.
I've taken my Dahon folder on Metra many times during rush hour or on festival weekends - in a nylon bag. Haven't tried a trash bag. Seems like conductors care that the drivetrain is covered and won't get grease on people or seats.
Thanks all, but our plans changed and I didn't need to take the Metra. I'll keep these points in mind the next time it comes up.
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