Did you have a “first” this week too?

First bike commute on the trail-a-bike (thanks Paolo Urizar) and to our new school! Most importantly figured out how to avoid Lake Cook Road over the highway.

We had a blast on this gorgeous 82 degree fall day.

so we bike commuted last year too but it felt like a real accomplishment getting over the highway at Lake Cook (avoided it).  

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That's great to hear. Wow, she's so grown up! Thanks for sharing the photo. 


Curious how you got around Lake Cook and the highway! I'm thinking the overpass at Deefield Road/Central Ave is too far north and out of the way. Care to share your secret?

I took Clavey over the highway.  North side doesn't have an entrance to the highway.  Took the sidewalk there.  From there we head east, and cross over via the JCYS parking lot, through the small park there, onto a neighborhood street and turn right.  Then on Hastings there is an adorable forest path that pops you up near Marion.  That leads to Lake Cook (and my daughter's school). 


Thanks, Julie! Very cool little hack. My son used to go to JCYS until this year so I know the area really well (see also my not too cryptic username). If you ever see a black Yuba Mundo with blaze orange bags in the hood say hi!


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