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As usual, best to skip the comments!

I assume this is what the RFP posted earlier this week was referring to.

That's the beauty of the chainlink.  With over 7000 members, and only the same 50 or less people posting day in and day out, we get to read the same awesome thoughts forever.

Cameron Puetz said:

I have never seen a general interest publication where the comments are anything better than terrible, regardless of what the article is about. In fact I've found the wider the audience, the worse the comments, until you reach the practical limit of how bad comments can get demonstrated by YouTube.

Lisa Curcio said:

As usual, best to skip the comments!

I assume this is what the RFP posted earlier this week was referring to.


Plus, the team from IDOT's Bicycling program has recently joined The Chainlink.  Check out the inaugural discussion here:

Illinois Department of Transportation Launches State Bikeway Plan R...



You got that right!

Cameron Puetz said:

I have never seen a general interest publication where the comments are anything better than terrible, regardless of what the article is about. In fact I've found the wider the audience, the worse the comments, until you reach the practical limit of how bad comments can get demonstrated by YouTube.

You mean they aim to actually make all the trails and paths interconnect someday so you could actually USE them for tranportation from point A to point B?   

Perish the thought.  Isn't that what cars are for? We already have roads for cars to do THAT!

Bikes are just toys you take out on your car rack to a trailhead and ride around on the path for a couple of miles.   20 miles is a LONG ride right?   Why should any of these trails interconnect or have any signs or markings on or next to them that you could actually read from the saddle to actually USE for navigating around in real time rather than searching some trail map or using an online resource?


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