I worked at a bike shop in Chicago for almost six years. Moved up into accounting. Today I was let go and the owner cited Obamacare as the reason. What do I do now?

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Steel teeth?

What is streets blog? How do I facilitate this?

h' $550 said:

I respect the OPs wish not name the employer but I would love to see Streetsblog do a writeup on this.

Thunder Snow said:

If I knew the location of this shop, I'd be happy to drop in at every opportunity, just to tell the owner why I'd never spend a penny in a business that abused its employees and was unAmerican in not wishing its workers to have medical help if they needed it.  I do my best to let my small bit of the capitalist market speak for me.  And no, I don't shop at Walmart or buy slave-built iPhones, either.  I'm sure I'm missing a corporate bad guy or two, but all I can do is try.

I apologize if the photo of the rat threw off the focus of my post. I thought that it was funny. I hve changed it because that isn't the focus of this post at all. It is that this happened in a bike shop I was a faithful employee of for almost 6 years and was laid off with the ACA being cited as the main reason.

I really don't understand the purpose in asking "What do I do now?" about a situation where all the details are kept secret that would enable us to know if the employer was 1). telling the absolute truth or 2). lying to make some cheap political point.  

I really want to thank everyone for all of the support. And for those who didn't understand the whole "what do I do now" statement it was rhetorical. It was just an expression of my current distress. The overwhelming number of supporters was encouraging. I've even already gotten another job offer which I will explore.

Good to hear.  Hope it pans out.

While the medical treatment might have been good, it seems the system that supported it was not sustainable.  That is the main concern with our movement towards socialism.

Serge Lubomudrov said:

As I said, El Dorado, I'd prefer not to discuss it here at length. Briefly: it was not based on profit; it was accessible by everyone at no charge; there was a serious focus on preventive medicine, etc. And, of course, not everything was rousy: it was (though not officially) a two-tier system, for Party VIPs and for everybody else; its quality was not eveny distributed, so to speak, even among the "masses" (major cities and towns had much better access), etc. If you want more, we can talk about it over a beer some day.

El Dorado said:

Serge, how was your experience with Soviet healthcare. I've been told that health care in Cuba is much better than the myths.


Jeff Schneider said:

I'll play.  My bet is #1.

h' $550 said:

So what's the verdict here?  Given that this really happened as described (which i believe), which of the following scenarios seems most likely?
1) Bike shop chain co-owner wanted to let the OP go for a reason unrelated to the Affordable Care Act, and just pulled that excuse out of his butt without much thought or political agenda

2) Bike shop chain co-owner wanted to let OP go for reason unrelated to the ACA but saw a good opportunity to foment misunderstanding detrimental to the success of the ACA

3) Bike shop chain co-owner is so incensed by the pending implementation of the ACA that he took it upon himself to fire people in order to stir up public condemnation of the ACA

4) Bike shop co-owner genuinely believed that changes set to take effect in 2015 necessitated preparatory staffing cuts in November of 2013.

5) Bike shop chain co-owner so misinformed that he thought something taking effect now necessitated staffing cuts

True. But I once had a company fire me (not a bike company...) for "not being a fit" for the company, and claim they had something I'd done wrong on file but wouldn't tell me what, and then tell the unemployment office I didn't do anything wrong. So... I'd almost rather they pulled the obamacare excuse. It would have been less obnoxious.

h' 1.0 said:

#1 is actually the most insulting.....


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