I worked at a bike shop in Chicago for almost six years. Moved up into accounting. Today I was let go and the owner cited Obamacare as the reason. What do I do now?

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I don't know you and I never mentioned Kozys. It's a question of letting someone go and citing Obamacare as the reason.

Any chance to know which shop's owner has these opinions?

Thanks H. I appreciate your response in. More ways than I could express right now.

What shop isn't important. What is important is that it happened.

h' $550 said:

I am sorry this happened to you.

First thing I would do would be to get on the horn to a couple emplyee rights attorneys and get youself set up for at least one inititial consultation.

One of many sites found in a quick search:


Here are the basics on how your employer may be affected:


You'll see it backs up what Jeff said above.

There is no shortage of right-wingers out there pulling stunts like this at the moment to feed into public misunderstanding of the mechanics of the Affordable Care Act and hiding behind it in order to screw people.

No obligation to disclose here who your employer is.  FWIW that was 100% dick move, "Kelvin."

The Obamacare mandate was put off for a year, so maybe Obamacare wasn't the first cause for you getting let go.

It really can't be a cause at all. As Jeff said, it applies only to businesses with over 50 employees.


The nice thing about the ACA is that it actually will make being unemployed -less- horrific an experience, because there should be affordable health insurance available (as opposed to relying on an employer to provide such).

Juan Primo said:

The Obamacare mandate was put off for a year, so maybe Obamacare wasn't the first cause for you getting let go.

Well at least you should be able to collect some unemployment, which by my understanding, your previous employer has to chip in for.

If I knew the location of this shop, I'd be happy to drop in at every opportunity, just to tell the owner why I'd never spend a penny in a business that abused its employees and was unAmerican in not wishing its workers to have medical help if they needed it.  I do my best to let my small bit of the capitalist market speak for me.  And no, I don't shop at Walmart or buy slave-built iPhones, either.  I'm sure I'm missing a corporate bad guy or two, but all I can do is try.

The comment you were replying to seems to have been removed, but if it is Kozy's, I'd like to know.  I spend a lot of money there and that would change if I know they treat their employees like this.  

If it is not Kozy's, then you should definitively (as opposed to passively) state that, because now you've got me thinking it might be Kozy's.

Webs said:

I don't know you and I never mentioned Kozys. It's a question of letting someone go and citing Obamacare as the reason.
I just don't want rod get in trouble posting the name. I applied for unemployment. If you want to know please message me directly.

Thanks you!

As much as I hate the idea of socialized medicine. This guy is going the wrong way about getting his political beliefs heard.  If you notice the picture, its a big inflatable rat, which Unions use when they are picketting a job for using non union labor.  This post was a bad attempt to spread rumors that people are losing their jobs over Obamacare.  Which they are, or should I say, they will,  but thats not the point.

Obama appeased his cronies, and campaign contributors, by suspending the employer mandate for a year. Which boils down to, corporate America got a pass, the middle class got it in the ass.   Only individuals have to buy health care at this time, or pay the fine.  This is a horrible law.  But this is not the place to vent that. 

Just grab ya some CookCounty Care. It's free and, surprisingly, pretty good coverage.

Serge, how was your experience with Soviet healthcare. I've been told that health care in Cuba is much better than the myths.


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