I forgot my helmet twice this week.

I felt naked, irresponsible and embarrsessed. I almost stopped every cyclist I saw to say "I wear a helmet, I just forgot it today, I swear".

Anyone else feel that way or am I the lone crazy one?

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where were you sunday??? we missed you!

h3 said:
I have gotten comfortable with short slow rides close to home, on very hot days without one. I ride much differently and make different choices than I would if I was wearing one-- none of that "vehicular" stuff.
Plenty of people on bikes around my neighborhood, almost none with a helmet . . . not sure who I'd be apologizing to. I remember the first few times I rode without one-- the first might have been at the Pride Parade two years ago-- I was on a stubby bike riding slowly pulling a heavy sound trailer and not tolerating the heat (due to my neck injury)-- I felt kind of like you described.
As I told you Sunday, I just feel weird being on my bike without my helmet. Something just doesn't feel right.
I didn't put on my helmet for my around-the-hood errands early this afternoon, thanks to drippy sweat from the day's earlier ride. But when I got the UPS store (had to overnight some jive to my new landlord), I realized I had forgotten the paper with the mailing address on it. So I jetted home, grabbed the paper and MY HELMET (BTW, it had just started sprinkling a bit), then rode back to the UPS store feeling as daisy-fresh and confident as if I were blessed with some Summer's Eve. ;-)

Or something like that!
I did the April CCM without one, because I left the apartment in a hurry. I felt naked and stupid.
I almost always wear my "brain bucket" because as someone on the Chainlink (another thread) once said " I like the privacy of being able to wipe my own ass."
Like most of you, I feel naked without my helmet too. I picked up my bike last week at On the Route (they had it for 3 days and I missed it!). I forgot to bring my helmet to work that day, since I wasn't riding a bike on my way in. I rode home 3 miles without my helmet and I felt horrible.
Whats the helmet for? Are you in a war? Jumping out of an airplane? Doing a tactical assault on a drug house? Or are you riding bike cause its fun but bought into the helmet corporations fear tactics?
Learn to fall of your bike! 40 years riding with out a helmet and have yet to crack my head once!
Oh, that 6 six years as a ice cream bike worker in the late 70's early 80's and 2 years as bike messenger in the early 90's!

M.A.R.K. said:

While I am sort of with you being a helmet less rider and all, I can't help but to think of the head injuries that occur in low speed crashes, or at least the possibility of.

I felt a tad naked today as I forgot to wear underwear and to XYZ(or XMZ in this case)before I left the house.

Chuck a Muck said:
Whats the helmet for? Are you in a war? Jumping out of an airplane? Doing a tactical assault on a drug house? Or are you riding bike cause its fun but bought into the helmet corporations fear tactics?
I forgot mine a couple of times in the winter when I wore my balaclava. I made it all the way to work once and went to take the helmet off and was shocked to find it missing.
I hated wearing my helmet and never did until a few weeks ago when I go hit for the first time by a car (made out lucky). Now, I can't even imagine not wearing a helmet. I made it a few blocks away one time and turned around to go back and get it. Helmet-hair be damned!
I've made it out a few times without a helmet and rode pretty anxiously.
When I was a kid, I put my head into a metal gate, and that was the reason I did not ride for many years. When I took up riding again a few years ago, the first accident I got in involved me going over the handlebars and my helmet skidding along the wall that was next to the road (along Chicago just north of the Chicago/Evanston border).
I've had enough concussions and contusions to tempt anymore.... :)
A friend of mine was in Iraq, came back, went to school, tripped and hit his head juuuust right and is now in one of those wheelchairs with all of the weird instruments on it. he was in a coma for a year or so. Now while he wasn't biking, i mean, just take that into consideration. I can't imagine letting just one screw up/mishap/someone else's fault mess my life entirely just because i didn't wanna be a dork and not wear a helmet.

as for when i forget my helmet (which i do sometimes) i always turn back to get it. I also just leave it in a spot where I can't not pick it up on the way out.
helmet wearing - its my anti-drug.


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