Father of Ghost Bike victim wants daughters bike removed, still there though.

Damen/Wellington- Her Dad says enough is enough and wants her name and bike removed. Tired of the reminder. What can we do? The city won't do it and no one from ATA or chainlink will do it- do we remain selfish and leave it up for our own purposes or honor the family's wishes? Most cyclists I talk to say 1 year on the street is enough time.

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I think the dad's (family's?) wishes should take precedence and the bike be removed. Who was responsible for the installation?

what is ATA?

yes, family's wishes should be respected. I used to go by that spot all the time.  Dangerous spot. Maybe Active Transportation Alliance could get city to install an extra sign there?

Active Transportation Alliance

Garth Liebhaber said:

what is ATA?

Pardon the newbie and possibly inflammatory question- but what's to stop anyone from removing it? Is it something like if not ATA cleared it will just be treated as stolen and replaced? If its just a manpower issue, i can go take it down tomorrow (I won't, because I assume this isn't kosher for some reason).
I wanted to add... I believe the ghost bikes are sacred thing, but also believe that family comes first.
Thanks h!!!
Welcome to the Chainlink Austin.

Where did you get your information from regarding the father's wishes? in my experience the community has been very accommodating with respect to family wishes. When Matt Lynch's family requested that his ghost bike be removed it disappeared rather quickly. I suspect the same would happen with any ghost bike where the family decided they no longer wanted the ghost bike around.

Imagine my surprise. Thanks for following up.

h' 1.0 said:

update from tiny phone on shaky bus..mother and sister absolutely do not want bike removed.

Yes. Thanks h for sticking to your instincts or accumulated wisdom or whatever it was on this.

While we are discussing it, I wonder if there could be - or perhaps already is some kind of middle ground where a person's name could be removed but the bike left standing. The Ghost Bikes are not just for the family of the victim. Drivers especially, but everyone needs to be reminded that life is precious and fragile and that your hurry, or your drunkenness or your text messages or phone calls are all things that simply can not be happening when you are driving a motor vehicle on the public way.

Kevin C said:

Imagine my surprise. Thanks for following up.

h' 1.0 said:

update from tiny phone on shaky bus..mother and sister absolutely do not want bike removed.

the screen name is from the movie "spies like us" and this is his only posting

Conspiracy theories abound but the conversation still demands an answer.

Father wants the bike removed.
So, per Ms. Hochstadter's advice I'm to tell the Father he can remove it any time.

He just doesn't want to see it anymore.


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