The Chainlink

Has anyone experienced a break/crack/failure of a carbon fiber frame and crashed? If so, please PM me here or shoot me an email at

I am helping a local Chicago rider who was badly injured when the carbon fiber frame on his roadbike failed and want to see if there is a phenomena that has occurred before. Thanks in advance. Ride Safe.

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Sounds like you have invested much in those expensive plastic bike parts.

S said:

Most road bikes out there past the lowest end versions have carbon fiber forks.  There have been recalls from time to time but no mass carnage so it's pretty apparent that carbon fiber doesn't fail and kill people if you breathe on it wrong.  Your shop may have been doing sketchy things but not all carbon fiber manufacturers do that.

Juan 2-8 mi. said:

Good luck ;)

notoriousDUG said:

Well I am planning on purchasing a bike with a carbon fork so yeah, I probably will...


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