BUCKTOWN — A freshman alderman wants to extend The 606's Bloomingdale Traileastward — under the Kennedy Expressway and over the Chicago River — through the former Finkl steel mill site.

"Spanning two obstacles, a river and an expressway, will certainly be a big ticket item. If you look at the amount of time that it took from conception to reality [to build the first part of The 606], it suggests that we need to continue talking about the extension," Ald. Brian Hopkins (2nd) said.

The former Finkl site between the river and Clybourn Avenue is considered one of the biggest redevelopment opportunities in the c... Hopkins would like to extend the trail east to Kingsbury Street, along the eastern bank of the river.

Earlier this month, Hopkins showcased a rendering of the plan at a City Club luncheonas part of a presentation about infrastructure in his ward. Hopkins said he would like to incorporate the extension of the trail into the infrastructure plan for the Clybou...

"There was considerable support for a 606 extension. I have not talked with anyone who thinks it's a bad idea," Hopkins said.

Full story: https://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/20160531/bucktown/extend-606-under-...

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