So here's the scoop.. I ws out for a ride like a week or so ago, and I got stopped by the fuzz. It was late, I wasnt to far from home, but far enough for them to question I guess. They had said they had a report of someone messing around in someones backyard just up the road and I fit the description. I asked if the description of a guy on a red bike with a kitty litter pannier, green shorts and bring orange shirt and bright orange hat? I was ready to be on my way and asked if I could leave, they said no and wanted me to wait a minute. They asked where I was coming from, I told them and they told me that thats where the incident I guess happend.

They questioned further, asked for my ID which I did not have on me, why I was where I was so late at night(about 1am) and not where I live. I told them that I was a night owl and just out for a ride and maybe to pop in to see my girl. The town(des plaines)is only about 6-8 miles from where I live so its a nice ride out and back and that I didnt see anything wrong with that. I figured i could stop in and see my girl before I headed home. But I guess that wasnt good enough.

He asked if I had anything on me(weapons and such)and I said no. He checked my pockets and there was nothing. He asked what I had in the bucket and I told him, my bike tools, a hoodie and my cigarettes. He asked me to open it and I oblidged(against my better judgement)so he could see that I didnt have any tools I didnt need like perhaps like a crowbar or something as this was a possibly burglary case or something silly. Then they started grabbing my stuff and opening my tools and I told them that that wasnt ok and that I didnt consent to a search and they told me it was to late and by opening it up for them I had.

Anywho.. All was on the up and up, it wasnt me so I wasnt worried. They ran me for warrants and I again asked if I could be on my way and they held me still. They said thats fine, we believe who you are and that you didnt do anything wrong etc. etc. Theres just one more thing I want to do, I wanna run your bike and if it comes back clear you can be on your way. Check my bike I said? Well you never know when your gunna get a hit on a bike bought in the city or something is what I got back. I found it rediculasly odd as I have never had a cop run my bike for a possible stolen. and really it just seemed like they wanted to get me on something just for being in their town so late at night or something..

ever have the cops run your bike?

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no, but that was just ridiculous. Unbelievable. Did they at least apologize for holding you up?
what do they run? the serial?
It really sounds like they were bored and like you said, knew that you weren't from the area so they wanted to hassle you a bit. I wonder if there's a way you could file a complaint or follow up to check if there really was some sort of incident in the area you were at or if the cops just made it up to hassle you.
unbelievable!! Like you have a curfew as an adult going for an evening bike ride?! fuck. them.
What town??? If close enough perhaps a LATE ride could makes its way to the wonderful town to show that bikers can ride there too. :-)
I hate it when that kind of thing happens. I've been harassed by cops for no reason before too, though not for biking. I used to work nights - like a lot of people, and so had no choice but to be out on the road at night. I thought it was "funny" that the cop - who was working the night shift - thought I was out joyriding. Nope, just working for a living, like him.

My commuter is a second hand craigslist bike, I'm thinking of engraving my cell # to the frame for a quick identifier. The question is do you answer when the cop holding you tries the #?

(and see my response to the new bike lock discussion for more on cops and bike theft)
Sorry for the fuzz-hassle. It goes and goes...

I got pulled over by an unmarked cop once in New Orleans. I was riding down Esplanade (and this was around '97, before cycling visibility was as apparent), and someone started administering some aggressive honking from behind me. I threw up the rigid digit, then yelled "blow me, c**ksucker!!"

Then the car (think:souped up El Camino) blew past me and pulled from behind then turned to the right about 50 feet ahead. Then a uniformed cop stepped out, motioning me to pull over.

He was PISSSED. I told him that I get hassled constantly by unwary and unsympathetic drivers, and that this reaction was an unfortunate by-product of this. He kinda stared with a blank look for a bit, then just told me to "be careful", then drove off. Laissez le bons temps roulez!
I'd just chalk it up to through your inconvenience you were able to see your tax dollars at work.

And I personally think it is kinda cool that the police are now running the serial numbers of bikes. It gives me hope that if I ever have another bike stolen I may have a better chance getting it back.
A Billion apologies...I READ your post as you were headed to your GF's place in Des Plaines, not as your location....I'm SO sorry, Will never happen again....Ya know...coulda been easier to say, "I was in Des Plaines"...Where the cops are ridic cause they have a higher than avg crime rate for a suburb.

M.A.R.K. said:
Gabe said:
What town??? If close enough perhaps a LATE ride could makes its way to the wonderful town to show that bikers can ride there too. :-)

Read the posts.. Des Plaines was the town. Downtown des plaines to be more exact.
That's wierd mine came off as dickish too ;-) Good luck in Des Plaines!
I had a cop run over my bike if that counts? I was leaving Navy Pier where I worked at the time as a messenger for SharpShooter and it was around 1am..... on a SUNDAY. I was heading from the pier to Butch's off of Division and State for a brew and I heard the chirp of Johny Law. I scooted to the side thinking he was gonna pass me but he pulled up behind me, him and is partner drew guns and told me to hit the ground. As I law on the ground wondering what my doppleganger had gotten into this time, the fat cop (there was a fat one and a HUGE one) grabed my bike and threw it in his trunk. When they brought me to my feet, my mouth hit the ground running. "What the hell are you doing officer? What have I done? Are you really impounding my bike..... thanks for drawing a pistol on me and a few other things that I shoudlt have said. They asked for ID and what I was doing out downtown at "SUCH HOURS OF THE NIGHT" I was at State and Grand...........Anyway, they ran me for priors and when that lil number came up zero the searched me and by searched handcut, thrown on the car and the my bag ripped of my person. After they found my bike tools a spare tube clothes and my cell phone they threw me in the back of the car drove me a block opened the car door let me out and threw my bike on the street saying and this was the HUGE one "STAY IN THE BIKE LANE FUCKFACE". I grabed my stuff hopped back on my baby and got pulled over a block from my house later that night. Short version I ran a yellow at 3am cop comes up behind me flips the disco mix on i move to the side he moves to the side, i slow up he slows up I hop off he still rolling crushes my bike, looks at me and takes off.#37 best squad car on the force
This video sums up what I think of the situation.


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