Car doors suddenly opening are the scourge of urban cycling. They are unpredictable, strike suddenly and can cause serious damage with tragic results.

If it’s ever happened to you, your personal story of a dooring crash could help Active Trans in a new effort to raise public awareness about this type of crash.

Please share your stories by e-mailing them to

Thanks much,

Ethan Spotts, Marketing & Communications Director, Active Trans

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The fire extinguisher is a nice touch. 

Mike Zumwalt said:

Ideally this would eliminate all doorings, though not much good in the winter.


I've bee doored once by a person in a cab sitting in the middle of state street who I'm thinking just asked the cabbie if they could get out where they were as I was passing between.

Doored north bound on Milwaukee right before north avenue...what a surprise. A taxi passenger decided to open the door before looking, bruised ribs and a bum knee. I still get the shakes every once in a while in that area.


When i was young around 15 or so, my girlfriend and i used to ride our bikes down to the lake all the time and without thinking someone was getting out of their car i ran right into the door.  At that time i wasn't using my bike but a friends and boy it was totaled.  If i would have been riding my Raleigh I'm sure it would have withstood the crash much better and since i was so young, only a few bruises thank god.  Now whenever i pass a car that's parked i go way out into the street, but first, i always look to see which cars are behind me and if they are aware that I'm on a bike and they aren't texting, which of course no one is suppose to do anymore.

This would be a welcome change.  Over the last 10 years, I've noticed a significant increase in the number of drivers who actually LOOK before opening their doors.  However, there are many more drivers who need to get this message, as well as many cab passengers.  Thank you for your work to reduce doorings.

Active Transportation Alliance said:

From Dan Persky, Active Trans advocacy and education director:

Doorings are not classified by IDOT. They are not tracked by IDOT. IDOT's explanation is that no moving motor vehicle is involved (the car is stationary in a dooring). We of course disagree. We think the moving vehicle is the bicycle.

And that's why we want to learn more, so we can get this changed with IDOT.

Ethan, Active Trans

I was doored. It sucked. Happened in November. Just got out on my first ride back yesterday (1/28). Felt great! Good to be a part of #bikewinter again.


I wrote about it for a RedEye blog,

I submitted 2 stories today, thank you.

We are asking the public to contact IDOT about this, here is our blog posting:


Dan Persky

Director of Advocacy and Education, Active Trans

Dear IDOT: A Dooring is a Crash


Today, Chicago Tribune reported on Active Transportation Alliance's campaign to have Illinois Department of Transportation record doorings. We asked IDOT why their crash data doesn't include doorings. Their reponse, people aren't requesting that we track those crashes. We've asked and now we're asking again.


It is a crime in Illinois to open a car door into traffic when it isn't safe to do so. As we all know, way too many doorings result because of people not looking before opening their vehicle doors.


At our 2010 Annual Member Meeting we conducted a survey asking how many attendees had been doored. A majority of the bicyclists in the room had been doored. But these incidents will not be found anywhere in IDOT's data.


Please contact IDOT and tell them to count doorings as crashes. Call (217) 782-7820 or write a letter to Division of Traffic Safety, Illinois Department of Transportation, 2300 S. Dirksen Parkway, Springfield, IL 62764.


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