For more information, contact:
Chris Mailing, President, Ten 27 Cycles

847.864.7660 x 16;


Liquidation Sale Offers Customer Deep Discounts on Bicycles, Clothing, More

EVANSTON, IL November 5, 2012 – Evanston’s premier bicycle shop, Ten 27 Cycles, will close its doors after more than 40 years at 1027 Davis Street in Evanston, IL. Beginning today, a storewide clearance event will give customers the opportunity to get incredible deals for early holiday shopping and any of their cycling needs.

“Unfortunately, several factors have made this closure necessary,” explains owner Chris Mailing. “The name change we executed last spring has not gone as planned. In the context of a soft economy, the expense and difficulties of that name change have been too great to bear. We sincerely regret disappointing our loyal customers. That our store has served the cycling community for so long is a testament to our devoted staff and the enthusiasm of our customers.”

All merchandise is currently discounted 15 to 40 percent, with additional deep markdowns to be taken on any remaining items over the next few weeks. In addition, quantity discounts on any purchase of three or more items will be offered, but for a limited time. The sale will continue until everything is sold.

Customers who shop the closing sale early will enjoy their pick of the best selection, including bicycles, clothing, parts and accessories. Return trips later in the sale will result in the best prices on remaining inventory. “It is rare to have current merchandise by the popular brands we carry discounted to such an extent,” says Mailing. “We are also selling our rental bikes, used kids’ bikes and used trainers at favorable prices.” Before the sale ends, even the furniture and fixtures will be available for sale.

Gift cards and store credits will be honored through the sale. All sales will be final. Store hours are Monday through Thursday, 11:00 am to 7:00 pm; Friday, 11:00 am to 6:00 pm, Saturday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm; and Sunday, Noon to 5:00 pm. For more information, visit the store web site at Visitors can sign up on the website to receive email notification of additional details about the closing sale as they become available.

# # #

PREVIOUS RELEASE: Evanston Bicycle Shop Sports New Name, “Ten 27 Cycles”

   / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
    Kimberly Pierceall, Prez
    Grotto Communications, Inc.

    847 475 9724

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Don't cry over Ten 27's demise, the writing has been on the wall for years -- they're complete idiots. 

The space is becoming a Wheel & Sprocket...a chain based out of Wisc.

Trust me, go to Pony Shop! Support a truly "local" bike shop. Lou and John know their customers, bend over backwards to make things happen and have stayed true to the concept of CUSTOMER SERVICE. Something Ten 27 knew nothing about.

I've heard from a number of sources that rents are quite high on a lot of the downtown Evanston retail space.  You've probably noticed that the proportion of chains vs. independents changed a lot when some of the larger newer buildings went up.  Independents can't afford the rent in those newer spaces.  With the threat of a large new building replacing an entire block north of Fountain Square several years ago, many small businesses deserted those buildings to move elsewhere, and some of those spaces haven't found new tenants, presumably due to the economy.  Downtown Evanston has gone through cycles of turnover for a long time. The big new buildings + the down economy seem to have intensified the bottom of this particular cycle.

Juan Primo said:

Evanston has had a longtime problem in keeping retail shops downtown.  I've seen many shops on Davis and Church streets change hands in the last 15 years I've been there.  The only places that thrive downtown in Evanston are noodle places and nail salons.

RRB in Evanston was a great shop, I think the old manager's name was Ed, he was a really big guy. I could never picture him on a bike.  I had a GF visiting me from Germany years ago, probably '95, and he talked me into borrowing a bike from him for free, for us to ride around the week she was here.  Such a fond memory of how personable some old bike shoppes are/were.

Got my Trek 950 at RRB back in the late '90s, maybe a year before they closed.  Also have fond memories of when Evanston had so many more bike shops. Still riding that bike, though everything but the frame and bar has been replaced at some point!

I work with Ed (Nasjleti).  And he was the manager at the Evanston RRB shop, which was right across the street from the Bank One (now Chase) building.  He is still a great guy!

I LOVE ED! I didn't know that is who we are talking about!@!!!!!

how odd. I LOVE ED TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ha, ha, ha!!!!!

Anne said:

how odd. I LOVE ED TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please tell him my story!!  I wonder if he would remember. The nicest guy, and looks like he is aging well! Wow its been a long time.

Anne and him are pretty close :))

Apie said:

Please tell him my story!!  I wonder if he would remember. The nicest guy, and looks like he is aging well! Wow its been a long time.

Nothing would make me happier.  He happens to be in the field this week, so I will have to get back to you. 


Apie said:

Please tell him my story!!  I wonder if he would remember. The nicest guy, and looks like he is aging well! Wow its been a long time.

Oh....THAT Anne!  How hilarious!  That would be Ed's wife I presume?


Hi Anne!

Julie Hochstadter said:

Anne and him are pretty close :))

Apie said:

Please tell him my story!!  I wonder if he would remember. The nicest guy, and looks like he is aging well! Wow its been a long time.


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