Maybe someone shares my issue. I have had endless saddle pain issues. I have been professionally fit and refit several times as well as experimenting with countless different saddles. I am told that I do not have a leg length issue. The pain is absent at the ride onset. As I fatigue, the left side crease between my glute and rear thigh presses into the saddle where it transitions from the front to rear. My right side remains free and painless. My recent test was to twist the saddle a few degrees from center. Twisting to the left(where the pain is) seems to be helping. I now feel that it may be a spinal issue. I do have arthritis in my spine. As I fatigue, my spine may be twisting. Ironically, my right hand rests more forward than my left on the hoods. I am twisted to the left. Hopefully the saddle twisting will work.

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What's your seat look like?

john89 says, "I am told that I do not have a leg length issue." And, "I have experimented with countless different saddles."

I'm guessing you're on the best track for trying to continue to ride, and/or with less pain with the saddle angle compensation. My guess, as you get older a rider with a history of back and spinal issues tends to lose the proper riding posture due to fatigue during a ride and compresses and twists his spine and back to a contorted position that causes pain. And arthritis anywhere in your body is no fun while cycling. Here's hoping that the saddle angle compensation works for you. Please check with your health care professional for the proper advice.


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