I've posted an article on my blog about why I bike. If you'd like to read it, I would love some feedback from bikers. Here is the start the post just follow the link to read the rest. Thanks.

Bikers are a source of unending trepidation and annoyance for motorists, while motorists are a source of unending death to bikers. The trade off seems fair enough. Living in Chicago, I ride my bike everywhere that I go. I don’t own a car and detest public transit. Many folks have a hard time understanding how cyclists have the nerve in traffic with the high level of sweat, danger, and fear involved. For the person who hasn’t cycled the thought of riding a bike through rush hour traffic down town might seem outright crazy. However, we cyclists have our reasons. Reasons I believe that should make it abundantly clear why everyone should own a bike...

read the rest at http://theparkinglotfields.wordpress.com/

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Hotties, lol - usually don't last after a test of personality, I will stick to the bikes

Michelle Green said:
And hotties even in the winter, though perhaps not quite as galore as in the summer. But I find winter hotties hotter than strictly-summer hotties.
Jim "Niterider" said:
1) Get to see all of the crazy shit that you can only see via riding a bike.
2) Makes me fit and allows me to eat almost anything and not feel guilty about getting fat.
3) Freedom of the open road and trail 4) Makes me relive my childhood and all the things that are great about riding. 5) Saves gas and money.
6) Meet new and interesting people, hotties galore in the summer.
7) Great time with of without friends.
8) All of the great places and experiences I have had that most people can only dream about or read in a book.
cute girls in spandex with hot legs and helmet hair.

and many of them like beer.....yum
I'm learning to love helmet hair, but I'll confess I did not embrace it off the bat.

And on an even more serious note, re: Point 5 from the original blog post, To look Death in the Eye...
I had my first solo wreck last week and my first mindblowingly close call with a very fast car a few days ago (I'm obviously a rather new cyclist with a newly banished bike phobia) and both experiences left me feeling so exhilarated and suddenly (temporarily) super in touch with survival instincts I didn't even know I had. My non-biking friends have been looking at me with some concern, like I'm going to go out in search of injury and near death experiences now. I just can't explain it well enough to make them understand how much my brain came up with in a split second- a comprehensive and immediate plan for avoiding death by SUV!- and how amazing it feels to be reminded that our brains and bodies still retain some of the crazy reflexes that saved our ancestors from saber tooth cats.

Hmmm, I feel a blog of my own coming on...

Adrenaline is a wonderful thing...

Michelle Green said:
I'm learning to love helmet hair, but I'll confess I did not embrace it off the bat.

And on an even more serious note, re: Point 5 from the original blog post, To look Death in the Eye...
I had my first solo wreck last week and my first mindblowingly close call with a very fast car a few days ago (I'm obviously a rather new cyclist with a newly banished bike phobia) and both experiences left me feeling so exhilarated and suddenly (temporarily) super in touch with survival instincts I didn't even know I had. My non-biking friends have been looking at me with some concern, like I'm going to go out in search of injury and near death experiences now. I just can't explain it well enough to make them understand how much my brain came up with in a split second- a comprehensive and immediate plan for avoiding death by SUV!- and how amazing it feels to be reminded that our brains and bodies still retain some of the crazy reflexes that saved our ancestors from saber tooth cats.

Hmmm, I feel a blog of my own coming on...

Helmet Hair is almost as hot as pit sweat...but not as hot as seeing a woman wearing a skirt on a three speed cruising through Munchen in August and this happens often....hence why I love Deutschland! Oh and I guess tight pants and fixed gears can do the same.... :)

As long as its a woman; Wicker Park needs to try and assuage its mooseknuckle problem
1 freedom
2 free parking
3 free excersize
4 free money found and easily picked up on the street
5 free from being a slob stuck in a cage
6 free from being a slob stuck in a cage wasting money feeling road rage
7 free to dress however I dam please
8 free from guilt when they find my carcass on the side of the road.
Aaron, I really appreciate that you used the words "assuage" and "mooseknuckle" in the same sentence.

Aaron Bussey said:
Helmet Hair is almost as hot as pit sweat...but not as hot as seeing a woman wearing a skirt on a three speed cruising through Munchen in August and this happens often....hence why I love Deutschland! Oh and I guess tight pants and fixed gears can do the same.... :)

As long as its a woman; Wicker Park needs to try and assuage its mooseknuckle problem

Michelle Green said:
Aaron, I really appreciate that you used the words "assuage" and "mooseknuckle" in the same sentence.

Aaron Bussey said:
Helmet Hair is almost as hot as pit sweat...but not as hot as seeing a woman wearing a skirt on a three speed cruising through Munchen in August and this happens often....hence why I love Deutschland! Oh and I guess tight pants and fixed gears can do the same.... :)

As long as its a woman; Wicker Park needs to try and assuage its mooseknuckle problem
Thanks to everyone who read. That was the most hits I've gotten on my blog in one day. If you want to keep reading I have a non-bike related article about all the wars we fight against non-human enemies. I am doing a comment contest. Who ever provides the most insightful comment gets all my mostly spent holiday giftcards! One lucky winner could walk away with 3.75 to target, 3.67 to barnes and noble, and 4.32 at Subway among others. So check it out and comment. The only one so far was very critical but I do believe I pwned him as they say in the buissness. Feel free to voice opposition but expect similar treatment. So far that comment is winnig though as the other comment was on another post and in brocken HTML. Thanks.


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