Hello All,

I'm admittedly new to the community, but Julie H. told me this group is amazingly diverse and very (hopefully) willing to offer their honest opinions on issues in the Cycling community.

Here's a little background. I'm a reporter from RedEye, and I'm looking into what seems to be a more controversial issue than most people thing: Actually wearing a helmet. I've heard from some great people on both sides, but in the interest of a balanced perspective, I would love to hear from some folks who choose NOT to wear a helmet. I've seen some people say it's a vanity/comfort issue, and others who question the effectiveness of the practice.

Whatever the case, I would be very interested to hear your opinions on the issue. I can be reached most quickly at mswasko@tribune.com. Also, if you have comments you'd like to post in the thread, I will be watching.

Thank you all very much for your help.


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"[Not wearing a helmet] is self-righteous and ignorant"

A view that fits the helmet wearers as much as the ones who don't.

Looking good Julie, that helmet looks great on you : )

Julie Hochstadter said:

I'll agree Joe Tighe, 31, of Logan Square was being self-righteous and ignorant. I do not understand why cyclists judge their peers based on their helmet preference. It's absurd.

my nude centerfold with nothing but the helmet and bike runs in bicycling magazine next issue :))

Jimmy said:

Looking good Julie, that helmet looks great on you : )

Talk about reporters creating public discourse that they can then report on.

The reporter mentioned this thread, started by himself, as an example of how contentious the debate can get on CL.

Nice catch.

Duppie said:

Talk about reporters creating public discourse that they can then report on.

The reporter mentioned this thread, started by himself, as an example of how contentious the debate can get on CL.


Julie Hochstadter said:

my nude centerfold with nothing but the helmet and bike runs in bicycling magazine next issue :))

Jimmy said:

Looking good Julie, that helmet looks great on you : )

Duppie said:

Talk about reporters creating public discourse that they can then report on.

The reporter mentioned this thread, started by himself, as an example of how contentious the debate can get on CL.

LOL -Legacy Media

Reporters make up their own "Truth" and try and disseminate it while hiding their obvious bias the best they can.   People are finally beginning to wise up and stop buying their rags.   That's why many of them are going broke.  It's about time    Maybe someday they will all be out of work.  We can only dream.

Duppie said:

Talk about reporters creating public discourse that they can then report on.

The reporter mentioned this thread, started by himself, as an example of how contentious the debate can get on CL.

Wearing a helmet should be a matter of choice.  I choose not to for everyday commuting and haven't had a serious injury in seven years of being car free.  If you ride defensively you can do pretty well protecting yourself.


Biking is not a dangerous activity and the constant focus on saying you need to wear a helmet induces a false sense of risk to the activity.  Walking across a street is a point of conflict, yet we don't wear helmets or pads to walk. 

I wonder what the percentage of dissatisfied helmet-people are only familiar with those heavy, hot, cumbersome, dorky-looking BMX/skate style lids that seem to be popular for some odd reason.

A lightweight, airy, comfortable helmet is a well-spent investment if one decides to wear a helmet.

Wearing a Helmet beats the Alternative!


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