From this morning, at the always full bike rack (see the second picture) at Monroe and the river, next to Starbucks. 

Don't be That Guy.

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Someone should lock a 4th u-lock to it and remove it the next day. Maybe they will get the message.

Cyclist: Please lock up like this.

The more I think about this, the more I feel for the owner. This bike is less than $100 from Walmart (currently online for $80). The fact that they used 3 U-locks to secure the bike likely means that it is a significant investment for that person. Also, being a Walmart bike, this rider is probably new to biking. I say we take it easy, educate the rider, and welcome them into the bike commute with open arms instead of derision. Just my 2 cents after thinking about it some more.

A BIG + one!

Yes. Leaving a nicer note is a better thing.

I agree, hence my not putting a snarky letter, locking the bike, etc. If this is a new rider, I hope they keep riding. However, we should help them understand that when they do this, it's very inconsiderate of all of the other riders trying to use the racks. 

It's better to educate them on SHARING racks.

I agree, also, to be fair, we do tell people to lock up this way on the standard city installed U shaped bike racks don't we? 


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