Does a 4-lane boulevard with bike lanes = an extended LSD trip?

A recent press release by McCaffery interest, the developer that wants to create a new upscale neighborhood on the the old U.S. Steel site on Chicago's Southeast Side, claims that the the city is currently building a two-mile extension of Lake Shore Drive. In reality, this is a 4-lane boulevard with bike lanes being built on the vacant site, two miles south of the end of LSD. But is there a really possibility of extending the superhighway through the South Shore community in the future? We checked it out:

Keep moving forward,

John Greenfield

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Yeah, if they tilted the camera angle a bit more it would look like Lakeside will be located where the Shedd Aquarium is.

I'm overdue for an extended LSD trip!

*bursts into the room* I DID SOMEONE SAY LSD TR-*falls out of window*

We just rode past this site and this area on Saturday for the South Brewpub Ride. It's pretty far from the loop and looks pretty interesting, with the velo and all. Weirdly, I had to keep telling myself that I was still in Chicago. For whatever reason, it feels like a whole different world down there.

I am a huge fan of this development down south, great to see some traction.

I commute down 41 and past this site every day (by car). I was wondering if they have put any thought into the fact that most people associate the South Shore with gangs, violence and drugs? Do they really think they can attract the right type of people to an upscale neighborhood that far south? Of course there is danger all over the city but it is hard to ignore the higher crime rates on much of the south side.

I work at one of the plants in East Chicago and a coworker tried to save money and live closer to the plant by living in the South Shore, he got mugged 3 times in 6 months right outside his residence and he quickly retreated to a north side neighborhood- taking the long commute over the dangerous south side. Also it must be noted that the south lacks in theater, music and events compared to the northen neighborhoods.


I am all for an upscale community on this plot of land especially if it means I can have a quality standard of living and be only a 20 minute drive from work (right now it is 50 min)... I could probably even start commuting by bike! I would just want to make sure that before I move the area is safe, and my neighbors are quality people that contribute to nice community.

What  is everyone's opinion? Would you be comfortable moving to the South Shore?


Thanks for the feedback, and sorry to hear about your friend getting mugged.

If we're talking about the South Shore neighborhood, roughly bounded by 67th, Stony Island, 79th and the lake, that's a middle-class community that seems like a fairly nice place to live, including many historic houses, the South Shore Cultural Center and golf course, and Rainbow Park, and what seems to be a fairly successful, diverse business district along the 71st Street Metra tracks. A friend of mine bought a very nice three-story house in the area for a good price and really enjoys living there.

The South Chicago and East Side communities near the USX site are working-class/low-income neighborhoods that were hit hard by the closing of the steel plant. But they've got a lot going for them as well, including great Metra access, the international shopping district along Commercial Avenue in South Chicago (lot of good places for Latin American and Caribbean food), beautiful Calumet Park and beach in the East Side (where the Gapers Block crit series recently took place) and Chicago's best fish house, Calumet Fisheries.

That said, these are underserved neighborhoods, and the Lakeside developers are going to need to overcome the perception that it's dangerous to live next to them or travel through them. Calling this new boulevard an extension of LSD seem to be part of that strategy, suggesting that you can drive all the way downtown on a superhighway, without traveling on neighborhood streets, even though that won't be the case.

But I think the developers understand that Lakeside can't work as just a community of affluent people living in a bubble, not interacting with the surrounding neighborhoods. Lakeside would be a great shot in the arm for the Southeast Side economy, creating many new construction and service jobs folks from nearby communities. Hopefully it will incorporate some affordable housing. And the Lakeside Velo Works is already engaging local youth with its racing and mechanics programs.

So, yes, if it's developed with plenty of sustainable transportation options and has a positive relationship with the surrounding neighborhoods, Lakeside should be a great place to live.

Michelle Loomis said:

I commute down 41 and past this site every day (by car). I was wondering if they have put any thought into the fact that most people associate the South Shore with gangs, violence and drugs? Do they really think they can attract the right type of people to an upscale neighborhood that far south? Of course there is danger all over the city but it is hard to ignore the higher crime rates on much of the south side.

I work at one of the plants in East Chicago and a coworker tried to save money and live closer to the plant by living in the South Shore, he got mugged 3 times in 6 months right outside his residence and he quickly retreated to a north side neighborhood- taking the long commute over the dangerous south side. Also it must be noted that the south lacks in theater, music and events compared to the northen neighborhoods.


I am all for an upscale community on this plot of land especially if it means I can have a quality standard of living and be only a 20 minute drive from work (right now it is 50 min)... I could probably even start commuting by bike! I would just want to make sure that before I move the area is safe, and my neighbors are quality people that contribute to nice community.

What  is everyone's opinion? Would you be comfortable moving to the South Shore?


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