So one of our 'favorite' bums brought this into the shop today and, being as it still has a lock on it, I am pretty sure it is not his...

So, if you know this bike, or the person who belongs to it, we have it at Rapid on North Ave.  We will release the bike if you can give us the serial number, have a key to the lock or can tell us what kind of saddle is under the rag.

Please feel free to share this; it is on the Rapid Transit Facebook page as well so please feel free to share it there as we really want to see this back to the rightful owner.

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The man who brought it is in one of Wicker Parks most amazing and insane bums; remind me to tell you about Wolfie next time I see you...

The one on the registry is to large, this is a pretty small bike.

We had not but we have now, thanks for the connection!

Justin B Newman said:

I'm going to go out on a limb here and predict that the U-Lock was not locked around the bike rack-only the cable was. When confronted with inconsistent info, the admins for the CSBR occasionally contact victims to attempt to confirm as much about the theft as possible, but where, as here, the victims' report is straightforward, this would not have triggered any further inquiry. I'd also add that if this report and this recovered bike end up being a match, this doesn't appear to be a newer u-lock with flat key to me. 

Cameron Puetz said:

I love a good recovery story. When you return the bike to the victim see if you can learn anymore about how it was stolen. Reading her discription of how it was locked and looking at the picture with the cut cable and unharmed u-lock it sounds like the portion of the rack the u-lock was around was compromised.

Nice catch Justin. Thanks.

Justin B Newman said:

Someday... CSBR will accept a "Found" notice, including serial # (hidden from public view). And when the "Stolen" report comes in, it will match the two up. Someday.

Got it back! Can't believe it. Thanks to the awesome network of cyclists in Chicago.
It causes me physical pain to admit that in my haste to catch a train I must have missed the rack when locking up. That also makes it doubly unbelievable that it's been recovered.
At least that's a mistake I'm unlikely to make again!

Congrats, Sarah!!  Yay! for Dug & Rapid Transit!!  And great sleuthing with a terrific suggestion about the "found" notice, Justin.

woo- hoo!!!!!!!!

This is so incredible! I still have hopes of finding my bike someday. :}

Yeah!  Congrats!

Sarah Hughey said:

Got it back! Can't believe it. Thanks to the awesome network of cyclists in Chicago.
It causes me physical pain to admit that in my haste to catch a train I must have missed the rack when locking up. That also makes it doubly unbelievable that it's been recovered.
At least that's a mistake I'm unlikely to make again!


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