I am a grad student testing a new business idea around amenities for bike commuters. If you can, please answer the question:

After biking to work, I would most like: 

A) to shower
B) to change clothes
C) to quickly refresh
D) a space to securely store my bike
E) other (comment below)

Thanks so much for your help! 

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C (but if it's 90 degrees out that really requires A)


B&C I can do in the restroom at work.



Ideally, I would get in a secondary workout, then shower and change into work clothes, but I would only do that if the facility was inside my office building (which may be the case soon).  I have access to a gym in the Loop, but it's a little too far from my office to do this on a routine basis.

I ride 10 miles so A /C depending on weather and B is a given. 

Brian Bender brings up good points and suggestions.


(this is assuming the trend of cool summers continues)





(B and C are doable in restrooms and D is provided in my building by the loading dock area)

E. None of the above. I'm fortunate to not have a very long commute, but even on long rides I usually don't sweat much (when its cold I dress not too warm so it balances out, when it's hot I just wear shorts or something, and I give myself enough time so I'm not rushing), and even when I sweat I feel like all I need is a quick "bird bath" (splashing some water on myself in the sink) and I towel off and put on fresh clothes and I'm OK.

I have a bathroom to change clothes in (I used to have an office at my old job but I don't currently have that luxury) , but the bathroom accomplishes B and C for me.

As for D, I just lock my bike up outside with a u lock and cable, and I check on it when I take breaks/lunch. I don't work odd hours so it's not like it's ever left there overnight. My workplace provides a bike room but it's in another building and accessing it is often impractical because it adds a lot of time to my commute.

A) to shower   or   C) to quickly refresh depending on the days and availability of the facility

B) to change clothes

D) a space to securely store my bike - this is nice, but an available bike rack outside of my building will suffice.

B) to change clothes
C) to quickly refresh
D) a space to securely store my bike

I agree with PP, that D is the only thing I need/expect from outside sources.  I can do the rest through a gym membership in summer and a few baby wipes/rack behind my door in my office the rest of the time.


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