Seeing this article about car trouble leading to bike commuting made me think... we have lots of great stories right here. Sooooo, tell us how you started bike commuting, how long you’ve been riding to work and what changes you’ve experienced by making the change. Also, if you multi-modal e.g. bike-train, what is that like?

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I began riding to work in 2012 - a combo of bike/Metra. Now I ride bike/Metro (in DC). I think the thing that's changed for me is how easy it is because I do it every day, without thinking too much about it. It's just a part of what I do - getting the backpack and water bottle ready, getting my helmet on and heading out the door. Sure, I experience not great drivers, lack of infrastructure, etc. but today as I rolled up to our office parking lot, look who was there to greet me. 


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