My whole life it was always "Gimmie a pop"...


Then when I was in the Marines I live in California for a while and it's been "may I have a soda" ever since.


Soda vs Pop map of U.S. click here.

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As a native Chicagoan, I've always called it pop; my aunts and uncles called it soda-pop. Any brown, soft-drink that bubbled.
There is actually a beverage called Soda, or Soda Water (clear, carbonated water, containing sodium) not to be confused with Seltzer (clear, carbonated water, without sodium). I'm sure there are other differences, but that's the gist of it.
I guess to answer the question . . . I ask for Coke (meaning Coca-Cola) (preferred over Pepsi). I ask for Ginger Ale (when in Jamaica, with my rum). I ask for Root-Beer. I ask for Seltzer (with my bourbon). I never ask for Soda.
61 years in Chicago; baptized at Lady of Sorrows and went to school at Resurrection, Iggys and after they bounced me Austin. I call it soda. I also call an empty lot a "prairie".
"koolaid" I hate carbonation....
I use both interchangeably
Regarding "Mikey" :

H3N3 said:
Let's see, the rest of the related info .. .

Oh yeah, and you know that "Mikey" kid from the Life commercials in the 70s?
You'll never guess how he died . . .
I ask for a refreshing carbonated beverage.

Or a sodapop.

Or drink something healthy.
This is also the protocol in Mississippi. Once it's determined that you want a sweetened carbonated beverage, the follow up question is always, "What kind of Coke?" at which point you can designate a ginger ale or root beer.

spaghetti said:
Down in Atlanta, they called everything "Coke", which I never understood
I said "pop" as a kid. Now I say both.
Using "Coke" as a generic term is idiotic. That would be like saying "Schwinn" for all bicycles.
What kind of Schwinn did you buy, Trek?
Is 'bubbler' common anywhere except Wisconsin? I thought there was some regional marketing campaign back in the day that started the whole thing.

When I moved to NYC for college I was roundly mocked for my Midwestern accent until I learned to tone it down. I refused to call pop 'soda,' though. Partly out of what was left of my midwest pride, partly because it just sounds so wrong.

I did pick up saying 'on line' instead of 'in line,' as when you're queued up. I can't seem to drop it at this point, even though it confuses everyone I come across here, who think I am referring to being on the Internet.

mike w. said:
Soda, ever since my Lost Year in Connecticut... Sometimes sodie, sodapop. or sodiepop.

Do you carry groceries in a bag or a sack, drink water from a fountain, a cooler, or a bubbler?
Prairie....LOL. As a kid, we would walk down to the empty lots on 23rd and Avers and play baseball. We'd say, "Let's go play at the prairies!" You took me waaaaay back with that one!

H3N3 said:
Were you beaten on the knuckles with a ruler when you called it "pop?"

Old Tom said:
61 years in Chicago; baptized at Lady of Sorrows and went to school at Resurrection, Iggys and after they bounced me Austin. I call it soda. I also call an empty lot a "prairie".
Actually, I've never heard this anyplace but Minnesota. Home to Minnesota Nice. And hot dish.


H3N3 said:
Let's see, the rest of the related info .. .

Everyplace but Chicago if you ask someone if they want to "come with" they think it sounds wierd.


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