Just got this email, so don't plan to ride Divvy home today:




Good morning.

Due to the weather, we will temporarily close Divvy at 12:00PM on Thursday, January 2, 2014 to protect the safety of our members and staff. No bikes can be rented after the temporary closure has begun, though any bikes in use at the time can be returned to any Divvy station with an available dock.

If you have any question about whether the system is open or closed, please call to speak with a Member Service Representative at 1-855-55-DIVVY (553-4889). You can also find the latest updates on the
Divvy website, Facebook, and Twitter. Members will also be informed of closure and re-opening via email.

In December, we served nearly 45,000 trips, and we're looking forward to serving many more this winter.

Thank you again for your support and understanding.  


- The Divvy Team and the Chicago Department of Transportation






Divvy is Chicago's newest transit system with thousands of bikes available to you 24/7. With hundreds of stations across the city, Divvy is convenient, fast, fun, and affordable.


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It is encouraging, but if you're trying to draw some comparison between NYC and Chi on this, it isn't working. They had snow last week, but then the temperature rose and it rained leaving cold days with clean streets. It's a lot easier to battle cold without snow sludge.

h' 1.0 said:

Encouraging news from NYC:


Drumroll, please... 6,669 trips were taken yesterday, when the temp dropped to 4°F in NYC (a 118-yr record for Jan 7). Well done!

Davis, please take your insulting, accusatory attitude elsewhere. It is not appreciated here. Thanks.
Tom, you had better check your server because I got the enail at 9:35...
Spot on Davis! Adam, What a maroon!

And Divvy is back again today - yeah!!


This is Sparta The Chainlink.

We know there are certain personalities here (clinically borderline personalities if you ask me) who will take over-the-top bullying to a whole new level. 

h' 1.0 said:

Really? You're going to root for over-the-top bullying just because someone you disagree with is being bullied?

That's despicable.

Carrie Hirsch said:

Spot on Davis! Adam, What a maroon!
Actually, Davis is using something called sarcasm. It's in that book called a dictionary. It has words like "entitlement", "privilege", " irony"...not at all like bullying.
Fake persona... on Chainlink?! Does it really matter? As long as Adam & Tom continue to rail for bringing the evil Divvy to the gallows, fakes like Davis & I will continue to use sarcsm because you all are not the least concerned with facts or reality. So c'mon Davis, jump in!

It's a snake pit all right Howard.  The only way to completely avoid the snakes is to leave the pit if they bother us too much or start sending personal harassing/threatening emails to us and/or our real-life friends.

But the instant you return the snakes latch right back on target again no matter what you do or say.  It's like nothing has changed in the time that has passed.  The other option is not to engage them and just pretend they don't exist.

My solution to these borderline personalities is to just hear the "Wah-wah-WAH-wah-WAH!" trombone sounds like when the adults are talking on the Charlie Brown/Snoopy movies.  Just filter out their worthless attempted-bullying* words.  It's not like I am missing anything important.

It's pretty hard to bully someone when you can just switch them off or simply ignore their words. They are just words.  So I wouldn't exactly call it bullying.  It's not like they are any creditable physical threat if you don't let them into your head.  Just let them "Wah-wah-WAH-wah-WAH!" Oh, and put their email into your spam filter on Gmail or whatever email program you are using so their off-list harassment goes right into the trash.

h' 1.0 said:

It doesn't have to be such a snakepit. The people who create fake personae like "Davis Moore" just to try to throw a wrench in the works here probably can't be stopped, but I think it would make a difference if the folks who did want to preserve this resource stopped feeding them and especially stopped cheering them on.

 James BlackHeron said:


This is Sparta The Chainlink.

In other news, Divvy is back open. Hopefully there won't be more extreme weather that warrants another system shut down.

Hey Davis... in the oh so mean rantings of Bill the Cat,"pffffthhptt!" Take that you bully!


This seems to severely hamper everyone's ability to kvetch and moan.  I object.

Kevin C said:

A "qualified promise."


Alta makes every effort to provide the Services for 365 days per year; however, Alta does not guarantee that the Services will be available at all times, as force majeure events or other circumstances might prevent Alta from providing the Services from time to time.

Lisa Curcio 4.1 mi said:

But Southwest Airlines never promised anyone 24/7/365 service for just under $0.21 per day!

Kevin C said:

Storm leaves planes stranded for hours on Midway Tarmac.

Sometimes weather in Chicago adversely affects transportation options. For every 24 hour period Divvy is locked down, each Divvy annual pass holder is "losing" just under $0.21. Were it not for the disclosure in the initial contract which they all entered into, I'd smell a class action lawsuit. 


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