Photo by Ronit Bezalel

Divvy is changing up ride costs and trip times in the hopes of attracting more users, according to the city bike sharing program.

Beginning on February 1, Divvy will offer $3 single rides for a 30-minute trips between two stations. By providing this alternative, the bike share program aims to capture new riders that might be put off by the current $9.95 24-hour pass or $99 yearly membership.

A new $15 Explorer Pass will replace the 24-hour pass. Divvy will also throw out the 30-minute trip limit and complicated overage pricing for something much simpler.

Bikers with the Explorer Pass can take up to three hours leisurely biking without checking into a station during the 24 hour cycle. If you haven’t docked the bike after three hours, it will cost $3 for every additional 30 minutes. That charge is standard across all fare options. 

The cost of annual membership remains the same, although members will now get 45 minutes instead of 30 minutes for trips between stations.

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The 45 minute limit will be great for Northsiders commuting downtown.  30 minutes from Edgewater is iffy on a 50 lb bike!

Northsiders? it will be great for anyone riding anywhere > 5 miles or so would it?  


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