In recent media coverage about the city of Chicago's parking meter fiasco, an issue has arisen that needs our vocal attention. Howard created a thread months ago about local pet peeves, mentioning disappearing parking meters creating a shortage of bike parking in some neighborhoods.

The latest bit of news is that, due to pressure on the new parking meter companies to make up for their screw-ups so far, parking meters will be phased out quickly to ensure more accurate metering and reduce the number of erroneously issued parking tickets. The plan discussed on Chicago Tonight was for 3,000 of the 3,600 existing meters throughout the city to be replaced by pay boxes by year-end.

How does this affect us? It creates a fairly urgent need to get a LOT of bike racks installed really soon. IMO, I think it's critical to emphasize to the powers that be that many of us shop and dine by bike, supporting neighborhood businesses, thus supporting the city's tax base. In light of stories like this, asking for bike racks so that we can help support local business may improve the odds of our message being heard sooner rather than later.

** NOTE: I got a correction on the numbers. It's 30,000 of 36,000 remaining meters.

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Who do we call first?
Who's your alderman? Start there. Write letters to the editor: Reader, Trib, Sun-Times, etc. Tell your friends and ask them to do likewise. Ask them to tell their friends. Bike racks are way cheaper than parking lots and garages.

Jester said:

Who do we call first?
Do I smell a letter/postcard campaign? Who wants to run it? Kathy Schubert did great one a couple years ago.
Hey all,

This issue was discussed at the last Mayor's Bicycle Advisory Council meeting.

We will try and get some more information to everyone as soon as possible.

Active Trans
Anne Alt said:
Who's your alderman? Start there. Write letters to the editor: Reader, Trib, Sun-Times, etc. Tell your friends and ask them to do likewise. Ask them to tell their friends. Bike racks are way cheaper than parking lots and garages.

Jester said:

Who do we call first?
I think this is going to be a significant problem in the near future.
Joe Lake said:
Anne Alt said:
Who's your alderman? Start there. Write letters to the editor: Reader, Trib, Sun-Times, etc. Tell your friends and ask them to do likewise. Ask them to tell their friends. Bike racks are way cheaper than parking lots and garages.

Jester said:

Who do we call first?

Need Bike Racks in the 32nd Ward?

Contact Alderman Scott Waguespack (32nd), 773-248-1330.

Joe lake, Bucktown
Jon said:

Careful with streetsigns. Although the base is bolted in the ground, I've seen too many where the pole isn't bolted to the base. You can just lift the pole and sign right out. I always try to see if the sign lifts out before locking my bike to it. Even then, I'm hesitant.
Be careful of those. Some are fine, but test how securely they are attached to the sidewalk before you lock up. Many are sucker poles, loosely attached and easy to unbolt. Then the thief just pulls the pole and your bike is free for the taking. Street light poles are solid too big for U-locks, so they can only be used in combination w/cable or long chain. In many 'hoods with significant bike theft problems, cables are NOT secure, as they are easily cut.

Jon said:
no streetsigns :(


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