Is this a 311 thing or can we take initiative with a shovel or 2?

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Where is this located?

Name That Bike Rack: Quicksand Edition.  Ready, go. 

I want to go out and sweep the trail after it rains, too.  There are some nasty sand-traps along the north half.

The bad one by the basketball courts (Foster?) looked a LOT better today.

Tricolor said:

I want to go out and sweep the trail after it rains, too.  There are some nasty sand-traps along the north half.

Montrose beach and it's one of many.

Throw a few roombas on it.

In situations like this, I like the idea of letting the wind and the grass have the bike rack.

Let's put in a request for a new rack nearby.

ha ha!

Melissa said:

Name That Bike Rack: Quicksand Edition.  Ready, go. 

Actually, Charlie, today I noticed several along the LFP between Fullerton and North that looked very similar to the one Mike identified that is near Montrose.  Realistically, the way that are is configured, I don't know what can be done to keep the sand from piling up there.  Better there than on the path!
Charlie Short 11.5 said:

Where is this located?

It is a permanent sine wave decreasing amplitude.


I do think the city's been very good about clearing the path when sand builds up this year.  No sand runoff lasts more than a day if it's not gone by the afternoon at places like just north of Foster (intersection and basketball courts) and between Fullerton and North Ave.

Just like they kept snow swept this winter, though some areas went a little nuts with the salt. ;)

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