I'm courious on what other sometimes drivers, most of the time cyclists think about this:


Ive dug out 2 spaces so far and that didnt bother me. What bothers me is the guy who didn't dig out his van for a week but when he finnaly did he marked his spot. Dibs only count the day or two after the storm, any longer and your a lazy ass

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I shoveled out some spaces too, and I haven't driven in months.  Maybe we should put some bike racks out there instead of paint buckets.

I was really surprized seeing the space marked after this guy didn't do a damn thing for a week. I would have taken his "spot" if there there wasn't a space close for me.

Joe TV said:

I shoveled out some spaces too, and I haven't driven in months.  Maybe we should put some bike racks out there instead of paint buckets.
Here's a funny commentary on the subject by Chicago's very own WGN morning news. ;)
Oh, don't get me started... I hate dibs. It's a public street. You can't put claims on a piece of land that you don't own. And by the way, where are you going to park when leaving "your spot". Maybe somebody else's spot? It's only so people have parking when coming home. I get it, finding parking can be hard. But why not put your washing machine out year-around...
Why not?  Because washing machines are heavy, and then you have having to go outside to do your laundry - a bit inconvenient if you ask me.

J.P. said:
Oh, don't get me started... I hate dibs. It's a public street. You can't put claims on a piece of land that you don't own. And by the way, where are you going to park when leaving "your spot". Maybe somebody else's spot? It's only so people have parking when coming home. I get it, finding parking can be hard. But why not put your washing machine out year-around...


found on:



Be sure to check out the anti-dibs literature in Hyde Park, too.


What I hate most about this is that it lingers on well into the Spring and then magically, one day there's no more snow, but there is junk all over the street. It's not uncommon for that to happen on my street. My rant--2009:


I have no problem with dibs for the first 2 days. After that suck it up.
With my work schedule I've never had to save a spot but I think you should call dibs as long as there are snow mounds in the street or undug vehicles.  Also, I hate the lazy ass that digs just enough to leave then takes a nicely shovelled spot when they return. call dibs because it's other people who are selfish.  Thankfully, I no longer park a vehicle on the street.
I've shoveled out three spaces for my wife this season. I think dibs in general is shit. If most people dig, and a few people dig more than one, then all the parking is dug and no dibs are needed. What I did like is some asshole tried dibs in front of the school here, which is of course plowed cause there is no parking during the day.

With all the space taken by junk-markers there's a lot of cars now parking across pedestrian crosswalks instead, since they can't find anyplace else to park.


Come visit Albany Park, you'll see what I mean.


Why don't these self-made garage vans pick up some of this junk.  It has to have some value!


I've got a beat up old winter beater.  If there is something in the public street where I need to park I just drive over it.
Love this.

James Baum said:
I've got a beat up old winter beater.  If there is something in the public street where I need to park I just drive over it.


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