I'm a huge fan of Mr. Byrne. 

One of these days I will pick up a copy of Bicycle Diaries
Has anyone out there read it?

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I'm about half way through. Ain't the style of things I like & it ain't about bicycles too much. Worth checking out though.
Read it- not great at all. Really bummed me out cause i had high hopes. It's more about things he's thinking while riding. Get a blog dude. ;-)
We'll I'm not reading it then, because I don't like to take the chance of finding a reason to dislike him... "get a blog"... good one. I guess when you've got bazillions of dollars you can just publish Blooks.
True, he prolly called a buddy. Must be nice. ;-)
I do dig the urban planning... maybe I will pick it up after all.
Manila was cool cause my wife is Filipino but then he gets into the whore houses. ;-) Suddenly it was a Marauders ride. Tim, get it from the library. if you own it you will be disappointed.
I've read his blog for a long time. IMO, one of the best things about it is the way that he promotes cycling as part of his travel experiences and his life in NYC. Music and bicycles are the framework for much of what he writes about. This blog post is a good example.

I think it's okay that he doesn't totally geek out about the bike itself. The mix of his iconic status and the way that cycling is integrated into his everyday life can help make the idea of everyday cycling more widely accepted. That's a very positive thing.

I plan to read the book soon. Will be back with my $0.02 on that later...
It's worth reading, but perhaps not owning. I liked the perspective of a famous person who enjoys traveling by bicycle as a means of most fully experiencing a city. Getting it from the library is a good suggestion.
I'm having a hard time finishing it myself. It is a lot less about bikes or even cycling that I expected. But as Justin wrote, it's not a bad travel guide. He's also not the greatest writer ever, which is a little distracting. He tends to end each chapter with a few paragraphs of nothing but mildly philosophical questions. Maybe when I'm a millionaire and travel the world I'll read it again to compare notes.
this is great! thanks :)

H3N3 said:
This is cool-- they strung together various performances going back to 1975.

Thanks for all the comments and suggestions. David Byrne is nothing if not a total eccentric, so I'm not surprised by a lot of what I'm hearing. I'll definitely have to check this book out at some point, but I'm not rushing out to get it.

By the way, his site has a live stream that changes monthly. Often there's a theme and a lot of the music is by artists from his label or artists he's toured with. Its usually a pretty interesting listen.

this is one of my favorite books


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