Darriean Hess gets 15-40 years for killing 2 cyclists with her car

This was a plea deal, but 10+ yrs in prison is no light sentence... nothing will bring the cyclists back


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Sad and tragic end to this case for all parties involved. Whenever in my travels, in any mode, (cyclist, ped, driver)when I encounter a driver who is careless & reckless and makes others feel "in fear for their lives", and I have an opportunity to catch up to them and discuss with them their driving 'skills', my final comment/reminder to them is, "Try not to kill anyone today! - TRY !" Sorry for the bluntness of the comment but that's just the reality of how I feel.

Read the article and felt my blood beginning to boil when the story referred the event as an "accident."

That's how I've felt about this unfortunate crash ever since I heard about it.
mike w. said:

Read the article and felt my blood beginning to boil when the story referred the event as an "accident."


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