D.C.'s New Program: Teaching Second-Grade Students to Ride a Bike

What a great idea to help boost confidence, teach a useful skill, and introduce all kids to riding a bike. How do we roll out a program like this nationally? Dreaming big :-)

In an age in which kindergarteners regularly sit for “high-stakes” tests, one system is taking steps to teach kids actually useful life skills that can’t be graded. Back in the fall, District of Columbia Public Schools announced a program—the first of its kind, but here's hoping not the last—to teach all second-graders how to ride a bike. The school system, with the help of the District Department of Transportation and some private cash, bought 1,000 bikes that circulate from school to school throughout the year. Last night ABC News did a nice segment on the initiative, featuring some of the real-life second-graders who’d never been taught how to ride.

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That's a great idea and something that I also hope catches on nationally. It's also a good age to teach kids to ride.


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