In an unlikely case you haven't seen it.


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I'm sure it goes without saying, DON'T READ THE COMMENTS.
That was... completely reasonable. Good job, faceless editorial writer!

The comments on this one seem to be mainly from cyclists, which surprised me. I agree the article was reasonable and actually was pretty neutral on both sides.  

The comments weren't so bad on this one. (I say this having been doored once.)
I had a similar reaction.  I was surprised at the balance between viewpoints in the comments (at least up to now).

Melanie said:

The comments on this one seem to be mainly from cyclists, which surprised me. I agree the article was reasonable and actually was pretty neutral on both sides.  

i was a little skeptical to read that "bikers clog the roads." i don't know where in chicago that is the case, outside of CCM rides. seems everywhere i look, it's motor vehicles that cause, and get stuck in, traffic jams.


"Bikers clog the roads"  haha. If by clog you mean - take up 1/30 of the space of a SUV.

Maybe they mean "clog" as in adding to the road traffic and congestion and in general, add more users of the road that have to be watched out for? 


As a side note, I have been observing vehicle traffic in my neighborhood and have come to the conclusion that about 8 out of every 10  cars in my neighborhood barely slow down and/or just roll through stop signs. I also note that "red light cameras" have been installed at most major intersections in Chicago and are quite successful as a revenue source-pointing to an obvious problem of vehicular red-light runners. I mention this as whenever I hear a motorist complain of "cyclists not following the rules of the road", I think back on all the cars I see running red lights and rolling through stop signs, and thinking that many of the drivers aren't following the rules, either. Making me believe that motorists are no different than the cyclists in that respect. The only difference is that motorists are more likely to be punished with a ticket or a fine IF they are caught running red lights or performing a rolling stop.   Maybe cyclists and motorists have a common link after all. Well, except for the fact that when a 2 ton vehicle runs the light it has the potential to kill someone while a bicyclist running a red light has the potential to be killed.

Sure cyclists add to road congestion, but if they weren't on bikes and drove cars they would contribute a lot more to the traffic problems.  It's just funny that they included clog the roads with the problems with bikers, when in fact bikers are making traffic a lot better for the motorists.
i think 'clogging' here refers to when a group of cyclists arrive at a red light and start lining up in front of the first car.  a single cyclist typically stays to the right, but you get a group, everyone is trying to get in front of eachother.  then when the light turns green, the bike has a much slower acceleration than the car behind them. alas, the 'clog'

Clog as in block/slow the general traffic flow. 


And yes we actually do contribute to congestion when traffic can't get by and faster auto traffic is plowing into a "slow spot" that is moving 5-15MPH slower than the general flow of traffic.  When there is a slow spot it becomes a "rate limiting step."    It starts a chain reaction and keeps getting worse and growing backwards like a tail backwards up the road behind the blockage as more vehicles enter the slow zone than can exit it in any given time.  


Any slower vehicle can do this and yes it is very disruptive and when vehicles slow way down and even stop when congestion it makes fuel usage and air pollution much worse.  Buses tend to do this as well as they start and stop and disrupt traffic.  


Denying the fact isn't helping the situation any.


That said, I thought the comments weren't as mean/nasty as they usually are.  Oh, the typical "license bikes like cars bullcrap.  When are we going to start licensing pedestrians?  Let me zee your paperzs!!! Infringing on the rights of citizens to move about freely by issuing licenses to travel in non-motorized vehicles is unconstitutional.  

magomawe said:

"Bikers clog the roads"  haha. If by clog you mean - take up 1/30 of the space of a SUV.

Sometimes the clog slows automobiles to what the actual speed limit is.


That being said I don't like the way people "clog" in the way iggi describes it. This is one of those times where cyclists need to share the road better.


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