Cyclist suffers third-degree burns after iPhone 6 catches fire following fall

A Sydney bicycle rider […] was severely burnt when his Apple iPhone exploded after a minor fall […] Bondi management consultant Gareth Clear, 36, said his iPhone was in his back pocket and ignited after he had a fall from his bike while riding on Sunday afternoon.

“I just saw smoke coming out of my back pocket…and then all of a sudden I felt this surging pain,” he said, adding that he felt a “searing heat” as the phone burnt through his riding shorts in a matter of seconds.

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This is pretty frightening. I have an iPhone 6 and don't leave home without it. Never thought it could explode and burn like this. Yikes!

Any lithium battery.  Laptop, cell phone, ecar, ebike.  Just need a short from damage or long use or overheating.


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