I just came across this story on the Tribune. As much as I can't stand frivolous lawsuits of the I'm an idiot and I fell so now I need to blame someone else type, I actually kind of hope he wins. Only because the judge may force the city to make bridges safer. 

Realistically I don't think this suit stands a chance. 

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Exactly.  And many trips require crossing both the river and an expressway.

Steven Vance said:

So many trips call for crossing the river. And if it's not the river, then it's crossing under the expressways. Or moving through a different treacherous situation. 

Tommy Boy said:

How about simply avoiding a route that endangers your health. In a grid style city there are 8 routes to get any where. Why take the one that endangers you and your fellow citizens health?  Simply call the city and have them repair it.  

Yes, I think people could write to CDOT to request more bridge plates.  They have used a different kind of material every time.  I would leave it up to the City structural engineers to decide which one is the best one in each situation.  

Thanks for this information; I'll be contacting him. Though I'm not in the 32nd Ward, I do live within a few blocks of one of the Division bridges and ride over both twice daily on my way to and from work on Halsted. The last couple of days I've ridden the sidewalks because it's been wet, which seems to make falling on one of those bridges almost assured. But even then, the sidewalks in that area are totally torn up, and the wood planks on the bridges are also not the most fun to ride on. Plus, I'd just rather not have to weave in and out of the often-heavy traffic along Division there to get on and off the sidewalks, and, although there are rarely any pedestrians around, I feel like a jerk if there are.

Kathy Schubert 'n Suzy Schnauzer said:

I have just written about the Division St. bridge to Alderman Scott Waguespack of the 32nd ward.  Both of the Division St. bridges are in the 32nd Ward.  I gave him a link to this discussion.

You can add to my comments by writing to info@ward32.org or phoning 773 248 1330

Alderman Waguespack is a cyclist.  He is a good alderman.  He will listen.

I used to ride over the La Salle bridge at least 3 times a day delivering for Potbelly's, riding on 23c tires and never found it difficult to cross. 

In the wet is a completely different story, but the State St. bridge isn't too out of the way.


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