From the SunTimes:

"An 18-year-old man was shot while riding his bicycle Thursday night in the Logan Square neighborhood.

The man was riding his bike about 7:15 p.m. in the 1900 block of North Spaulding when another male pulled alongside him on his bicycle and fired shots, striking the man in the leg, police said.

He was taken to Norwegian American Hospital where his condition had stabilized, police said."

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Meh, not really out fo character for that area.

Gangbangers sometimes use bikes to do their evil deeds. Young people are always pestered by these evil people to join and participate in their gang. Do not assume 100% that this story has nothing to do with your definition of a "cyclist". Many young teens do have bikes and ARE "CYCLISTS". I was in a similar situation as a teenager. I am alive and a "cyclist" today. At least let's all be human and glad this teen is alive and not another victim to the evil that exists in this city.

John Durham said:

I wouldn't characterize two yokels that that happen to be riding bicycles while shooting / getting shot as "Cyclists". They just happen to be riding bikes while engaged in their asshattery. 

LOL @ your extreme level of pedantry and internet anger. They were riding bikes (aka cycling) and therefore are, by definition cyclists. 

Cyclistists, maybe, depending on your definition. But, were they Chainlinkers? Are any of you documented gang members? Please let us know now so we can keep our distance when riding near you. Thank you.

I'd rather the cycling gangsters in my area know me as the guy who helped them fix a flat once than lump me in with all the other squares who probably called the cops on them for laughing too loud on the corner.

Everyone who rides a bicycle is a cyclist - it is not an elite club. The only price of entry is access to a bicycle.

I posted this as a piece of interest to us, as a community. Your (collective) reactions are interesting. How would you have reacted if the age of the victim was, say 45? Or if the victim was female?

I often feel vulnerable in the dark, riding through streets that aren't in my own neighborhood. I think other people (men and women) do too.

Reba, those are all hypothetical. It is ok to feel vulnerable, but that is an unlikely situation very unrelated to what was posted. 

This is in my neighborhood and I ride often at all times of day. If I am feeling vulnerable, which absolutely happens, here are a few things I will do:

- Find well lit pathways

- Ride in the middle of the street

- Turn off my lights, so I do not attract attention (if a car is around I will turn them back on)

- Look ahead near alleys and intersections and know my exit routes

- Ride confidently

Other things you can do:

- Bring friends with you

- Have a bell or whistle to make noise

- Make friends with everyone by pumping up their tires

- Cite the litany against fear

Reba 4.0 mi said:

I posted this as a piece of interest to us, as a community. Your (collective) reactions are interesting. How would you have reacted if the age of the victim was, say 45? Or if the victim was female?

I often feel vulnerable in the dark, riding through streets that aren't in my own neighborhood. I think other people (men and women) do too.

The sleeper has awakened!  

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain...

Regardless of who the victim had been:  Meh, not out of character for the area...

Reba 4.0 mi said:

I posted this as a piece of interest to us, as a community. Your (collective) reactions are interesting. How would you have reacted if the age of the victim was, say 45? Or if the victim was female?

I often feel vulnerable in the dark, riding through streets that aren't in my own neighborhood. I think other people (men and women) do too.

It's like biathlon, but with bikes instead of skis.

I have never fired a gun, but I would think it would be really hard to stay upright on a bicycle while doing so! No?

I'm particularly imagining that if you fired to the left or right, you would fall in the opposite direction.


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