I don't have much information other than what's in the story:


Thursday, someone who knows the rider posted on a local FB page that he was still in ICU.

This happened 2 blocks from us and we go through that intersection virtually every day whether driving, walking, or biking. In fact, my daughter and I passed through there on our tandem shortly before this happened.  It is one of my least favorite intersections to ride or walk through. The City of Berwyn installed a red light camera there due to the high number of accidents, but it only monitors 26th street, not East Avenue.

Thoughts and prayers for a complete recovery


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Tony - I'm thinking you have to be her friend to see her post?

Her FB page comes up when I click the link, but I'm not able to see anything on her wall/timeline/whatever they call it these days.

I actually wasn't trying to link to anything. I just cut and pasted the text. Oops.

Here are a few updates on Justin from the last few months.

May 10

Hello friends. As you all know, Justin is doing great at home and at his DayRehab program, but he still relies on a wheelchair for mobility. Because of this, I will be purchasing an accessible van to help him get around. If you can spare anything to donate, Justin and I would sincerely appreciate it.

May 23
Justin's memory has been improving lately. He now has our address memoried. Last night we practiced counting - in Spanish!

June 14
Today Justin went to Loyola University Medical Center to have a follow-up with his Neurosurgeon. He impressed all of the doctors and nurses there with his progress, especially Dr. Loftus. Here is Justin and the man who saved his life. Thank you, Dr. Loftus, and thank you to all the lovely nurses who took care of him.

June 19
Justin saw his orthopedic surgeon who operated on his leg yesterday for a follow up. She kept saying "wow!" She was really impressed with his cognitive recovery. Excellent work, Justin :)

June 28
I received an excited email from Justin's physical therapist today. As many of you know, I use a patient lift at home to transfer Justin from his chair to the bed. The PT has been trying to teach him to assist with the transfer using his strong right side, but it's been tough. Today he assisted with the transfer by using his right arm to pull himself into the wheelchair, for the very first time. Excellent job Justin!

July 2
No big deal, just another AWESOME transfer - this time from the wheelchair to the mat! Way to go Justin!

July 22
Check out this video of Justin riding an elliptical "bike" at rehab last week!

July 23

Dear friends, as many of you know, Justin is continually improving in rehab. Unfortunately, he is still unable to work and we are waiting to get approved for disability payments. We sincerely appreciate your support so far. If you can spare anything to help us keep up with our bills, we would be very grateful. Thank you.


Thanks for the continued updates and reminder to help out.  I just donated again.

Thanks for sharing all the great news about Justin's recovery. I donated again.

Thanks for the updates and reminder! 

I thought a lot about Justin on my ride home yesterday....what it was like for him when he was hit and what he is dealing with now. 

One year ago today...

Here is an update Kim just made to the GoFundMe page for Justin.

One year ago today, I was riding the train on my way home from work, completely unaware that my life was about to change forever....

Since the accident, Justin has progressed by leaps and bounds. His recovery has surpassed the expectations of his doctors and he has made me very proud.

Unfortunately, we have not received the settlement from the insurance company yet and we are still having a hard time making ends meet. We would both greatly appreciate any help you can give.

Here is a photo Kim also recently posted a week or two ago...

Today at rehab Justin used the Litegait to practice bearing weight on both legs. With the therapist moving his left leg, he was able to walk across the room while holding most of his weight up. Amazing job!

I know the people here at Chainlink have been very supportive before, so I wanted to give you a quick update. I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while.

Thanks for the photo.  I don't "do" facebook, but I did just get Kim's GoFundMe post, and was glad for the reminder.

Thanks. I seem to pass the area around 26th and East more and more, and I always think about Justin.

I avoid 26th usually, but E/W traffic definitely speeds on 25th to the point that it's next to impossible to cross  at an uncontrolled intersection much of the time.

Anne, did you not see the last post on the previous page or were you looking for more information?  The post does not give a lot of detail, but seems to say that he is progressing well, although not able to work.  And, of course, they still need any financial help they can get.
Anne Alt said:

When I pass through that intersection and area, it's almost always on East, not 26th. East is generally narrow enough to minimize speeding.

It would be great if we could get another update here on how Justin has been doing in the last few months.

Here are a few of the updates from the past few months...

July 27

We had a bit of a scare on Thursday night when Justin had a focal seizure. It lasted only 5 minutes, but we went to the ER at Loyola University Medical Center that night to get him checked out. We ended up staying there overnight until Friday afternoon. Luckily, they found nothing that needed to be done surgically. Justin kept his sense of humor through the night and did his best ET impression.

July 30

Woo hoo! Justin got his new wheelchair today! It's more comfortable for him and easier for me to maneuver. It's a win win.

August 8

Justin is practicing leaning forward and sitting up straight! He also asked for this book (about the Black Death) and started reading it out loud. His reading has really improved!

August 20

Justin passed his video swallowing test! Now he can drink regular beverages without thickener. Woo hoo!

August 25

Unfortunately Justin is in the hospital today. The doctors discovered a blood clot in his left leg. He's doing just fine and he will be treated with blood thinners. Fingers crossed that he will be able to go home tomorrow.

October 29

Justin graduated from the RIC rehab program last week. He will now be doing a home exercise program and outpatient physical therapy twice a week. Here he is doing his stander exercises.


Justin practiced sitting up in bed and transferring to his wheelchair TWICE today!

And then the one I posted yesterday with the Litegait thing.


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