I don't have much information other than what's in the story:


Thursday, someone who knows the rider posted on a local FB page that he was still in ICU.

This happened 2 blocks from us and we go through that intersection virtually every day whether driving, walking, or biking. In fact, my daughter and I passed through there on our tandem shortly before this happened.  It is one of my least favorite intersections to ride or walk through. The City of Berwyn installed a red light camera there due to the high number of accidents, but it only monitors 26th street, not East Avenue.

Thoughts and prayers for a complete recovery


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Seriously. In Justin's case, a traffic citation was issued. That's usually about the worst that happens, if it happens at all. 

Will V. said:

Or not. Seems like most drivers, even when they're at fault, don't experience too many repercussions from hitting cyclists.

Juan Primo said:

"Life flashed before me" is a bit dramatic, but the driver's life would certainly have changed had he hit the cyclist.


The cyclist sounds like a moron from the Berwynite's description.

One would think that Librarians of all people would recognize that Facebook is not the internet and treating it as such is doing harm to the free flow of information.

h' said:

I don't do Facebook so it would be great if anyone is willing to post updates on his progress here.

No facebook.

Not sure what you mean, but his wife isn't a librarian and she's the one who set it up, so...

Tony Adams said:

One would think that Librarians of all people would recognize that Facebook is not the internet and treating it as such is doing harm to the free flow of information.

h' said:

I don't do Facebook so it would be great if anyone is willing to post updates on his progress here.

I'll keep this thread updated.

h' said:

OK, so it sounds like it would be appreciated on multiple counts if those who do monitor the Facebook page might be willing to cross-post to this thread.

Allison, I can't get out to that library branch to donate in person- is there an address I can send a check to and who should it be made out to? Sorry if this info is already in the thread and I'm overlooking it. I'd really like to help to whatever extent i can.

Oh. Sorry. Sloppy reading on my part I guess. Thanks for your efforts to keep this thread updated.

Allison Mackey said:

Not sure what you mean, but his wife isn't a librarian and she's the one who set it up, so...

Tony Adams said:

One would think that Librarians of all people would recognize that Facebook is not the internet and treating it as such is doing harm to the free flow of information.

h' said:

I don't do Facebook so it would be great if anyone is willing to post updates on his progress here.

Hi Anne--Yes, thank you for bringing it up. You can mail a check made out to Kim Carver (his wife) to:

Allison Mackey
Stickney-Forest View Public Library 
6800 W 43rd. St
Stickney, IL 60402

Thank you

Anne B. said:

Allison, I can't get out to that library branch to donate in person- is there an address I can send a check to and who should it be made out to? Sorry if this info is already in the thread and I'm overlooking it. I'd really like to help to whatever extent i can.

Gothamist has been running stories about how NYC drivers get NOTHING for injuring/dooring/killing cyclists. If you want to murder a cyclist in NYC, just door him.

Allison Mackey said:

Seriously. In Justin's case, a traffic citation was issued. That's usually about the worst that happens, if it happens at all. 

Will V. said:

Or not. Seems like most drivers, even when they're at fault, don't experience too many repercussions from hitting cyclists.

Juan Primo said:

"Life flashed before me" is a bit dramatic, but the driver's life would certainly have changed had he hit the cyclist.


The cyclist sounds like a moron from the Berwynite's description.

Allison - Thanks for sharing this info.  I sent a check this morning.  I hope that others will also. Every little bit helps.

Allison Mackey said:

...You can mail a check made out to Kim Carver (his wife) to:

Allison Mackey
Stickney-Forest View Public Library 
6800 W 43rd. St
Stickney, IL 60402

Thank you

Update: "Justin is doing a little better than yesterday. His neuro exam was a little better as he was localizing in both arms and moving both legs. He's opened both eyes earlier and was squeezing my hand. I don't know if he can see anything (plus he's not wearing his glasses) but I do think he can hear. I brought his extra glasses in case he needs them soon. The neurosurgeon removed the fiberoptic ICP monitor from his head earlier. His ICP has been stable and they still have the original monitor. He is resting now and seems comfortable."

Huzzah Justin!


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