I heard on the news this morning that there was a hit and run crash involving a cyclist near 1400 N. Milwaukee.

Last I heard - an ambulance had been called and the motorist had sped off.

Anyone have any updates?

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I just took a look around the intertubes, didn't see anything about it.


There may have been one on division and milwaukee at 6pm ish.  I rode by there were fire trucks all about.  When I rode by I saw a late model suv with a bike underneath it with an ambulance near by.  Hopefully everything is ok!!!

Another reason to hate riding that hipster highway.


I wish him a speedy recovery...

John Durham said:

Any updates?

There's a fundrasing page set up for Dustin here:  http://www.gofundme.com/21raks

The page says Dustin was doored then hit by a truck.  The circumstances are similar to Neill Townsend's.

there needs to be a bigger penalty for dooring.

Another dooring incident with horrific consequences, yet this has received virtually no media coverage. . .

Neill's incident had more coverage, but maybe because he died. 

Thanks for forwarding the fundraising page, Juan! 

Really wish the media would pick this sort of thing up.  Sounds like the truck that ran him over left the scene?  What about the motorist that doored him?

Yes, but 23 broken ribs, a fractured hip and shoulder and a shattered skull are, in my opinion, news worthy as well.

Juan Primo said:

Neill's incident had more coverage, but maybe because he died. 

I live right around the corner and have had many close calls in the same spot.  Rahm mentioned 3 miles of bike lane on Milwaukee this coming summer - we need it.  Some portions are too narrow.


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